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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 245

"No way! You should be the one to appologise to me!" said Janet. Although she knew that she had misunderstood him three years ago, she still thought that it wasn't her fault!

"Why should I appologise to you?" asked Daniel. Janet still didn't admit to her fault and made a big fuss out of nothing. Her character hadn't improved a bit during the past three years.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and came closer to him, and said, "For no particular reason, but you still have to."

'If you apologize to me first, then I'll give in and apologize to you too, ' thought Janet.

They started walking faster and left the beautiful scenery behind them, without even fully enjoying it.

When they reached another waterfall, Janet got down off of him.

Daniel opened his mouth again, and suggested, "How about this? You apologise to me first, I'll make you my girlfriend, and then I'll make my own apology to you. What do you say?"

Hearing his words, Janet hesitated for a moment, but then, Daniel added, "Three months later I'll break up with you again, and then I'll chase you again!" 'And get married straightaway!' thought Daniel in his mind.


Janet felt speechless.

"Is there a point in making things so complicated and troublesome?" asked Janet. She now became aware that the man beside her actually wanted to take his revenge on her!

"Yes, there is! If I'll let you go and forgive you so easily, I'll suffer and be aggrieved from so much injustice!" Daniel crossed his arms in front of his chest and squinted at her.

But he actually thought... That if she could improve her attitude and treat him better, he would absolutely forget about all the injustice he had suffered with her.

"You're a man; what kind of injustices have you suffered from, huh? Daniel, please don't be so childish, okay?" Janet looked at the man and was annoyed by him. Oh, no! Janet felt that he now looked more like a boy than an actual man.

"You're the one who's childish, not me!" snapped Daniel. 'If you hadn't had run away in such a childish way, and if you had waited for the paternity test on Ivanka's baby, then you might have already been my wife now!' thought Daniel.

"Okay, so now I'm childish! What about you? Besides being childish, you're also a playboy, unfaithful, you always flirt with women, and sleep with other women..." Janet counted with her fingers all of his wrongs.

Daniel frowned more and more by the minute as she went on counting all of his alleged wrongs.

Finally, Janet raised her hands in front of his eyes, opened her eyes wide, and said in an exaggerated tone, "Look! Your wrongs are more than I can count on my fingers! You're a bad man, and I won't be your girlfriend!"

Daniel pulled down her hands, and with his face all darkened up, he furiously said, "You can't even tell the difference between what's good or bad!"

He then walked past her and went up to a tree. He leaned against the tree's trunk and waited for the others to follow up with them from behind.

Janet felt morose, and wondered why he had to always blame everything on her.

And what's more, he asked her not to stay far away from him, but now he was standing under a tree dozens of meters away from her. Janet really didn't understand what he meant with that!

She let out a grunt and then walked to Selina's side, and after she bent down her body, she started to have fun with the cool water.

Selina asked her in a low voice, "Jane, what's going on between you and Daniel?"

Janet curled her lips, and said, "That arrogant and narcissistic man! I don't want to speak one more word to him ever again!"

"Oh, Jane, can't you see that Daniel is the sort of imperious, domineering person? That's why he's a CEO. He's always emanating that royal aura between his every moves. Doesn't your heart stir every time you see him?" asked Selina. She grinned a sly smile. Although she had praised Daniel for being this way, she actually didn't like this type of man at all; she loved the tender, and considerate, type of man.

Selina could clearly see that Daniel was warm-hearted to Jane, but that with other people he was always cold and ruthless, which made her feel very scared of him.

'Will my heart be stirred?' Janet had her mind blank for a short while, and then thought that even though she was attracted to him, it didn't matter one iota.

She curled her lips again, and said, "I admit that he's handsome, and well built, but except for that, I can't find any other good traits on him!" said Janet.

"He's wealthy, handsome, well-built, and the most important thing is that he treats you well. Jane, what else are you asking for in a man?" Selina drew her hands from the water, and looked at Janet with an incredible look in her eyes.

They all had clearly seen how Daniel had treated Janet in the last couple of days!

Yesterday, Daniel had climbed up the mountain carrying Janet on her back all the way, and although he was exhausted, he still carried her on their way back. Selina tittered in her mind, and thought that Daniel had really treated Janet well!

Janet thought to herself, 'Did he really treat me well? Maybe he did, at least when he carried me the whole way up the mountain, and took care of my bath last night. But... I already rewarded him for all of that last night, didn't I?'

Janet said to Selina, "We all did what we did on a mutual benefit. He carried me on his back, and I rewarded him!"


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