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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 267

She heard that Mrs. Lola was speaking in a courteous way over the phone, which proved that the old lady was indeed someone in a high place of esteem. The female receptionist now felt lucky and relieved that she hadn't offended her.

"Okay, grandma, please wait a moment, I'm calling Daniel right now!" said Lola.

Hanging up, Melody didn't say anything else. But the receptionist was now even more afraid of displeasing her, and she immediately served her tea and started chatting with her.

At that time, Daniel was having a meeting on the 22nd floor, but when he received Lola's call, he instantly dismissed it.

Then, together with Spark and another two secretaries, Daniel picked up his pace and headed to the building's ground floor.

"Hello, Mr. Si!"

"Good morning, Mr. Si!"

"Hello, Mr. Si!"

... All the workers they met greeted Daniel, one by one.

After about three minutes, the female receptionist saw Daniel appear on the ground floor. She felt even more lucky that she hadn't offended the old lady. "Hello, Mr. Si!"

Daniel nodded to the receptionist. He then walked up to Melody, and with a deep respect, said, "Dear great grandma, why have you come here?"

When she saw Daniel there, Melody became angry and tapped the ground with her crutch. Ignoring his status before the other workers, she scolded him in a stern voice, "Why wouldn't I come here? If I hadn't come, were you still going to keep wasting Jane's time?"

Spark looked at the expensive sandalwood crutch, and his heart trembled with Melody's each tap; he was worried that hundreds of dollars might be destroyed in an instant because of her powerful tapping on the floor.

Her words dumbfounded everyone present around them. Some of the passing-by staff even changed the direction they were heading to, confused.

They couldn't believe that the old lady had the nerve to talk with their boss like that.

Daniel understood that Melody just wanted to protect Janet, and he didn't become angry; instead, he put on a smile, and said, "Great grandmother, please don't be angry with me. Come on, let me escort you to my office."

Under everyone's shocked looks, Daniel personally raised Melody from the sofa and led her to the elevator.

The receptionist took one more careful look at Melody. She was determined to keep her face in her mind at all times, in case she ever forgot about it when she came back next time.

Spark was amused to see the other people's incredible looks on their faces. He didn't feel shocked at all. That was because he had known quite well that this was actually Mr. Si's beloved woman's great grandmother and that he, of course, had to make her happy at all costs!

Miss Qin pushed the CEO's exclusive elevator door button. When Melody and Daniel entered it, Spark and the other secretaries took the other one next to it.

On the 88th floor

When the other secretaries in the department saw their boss coming out of his elevator and holding an old lady by her arm, they all were shocked.

Especially Shirley; her face turned pale when she saw Melody.

'Janet's great grandmother...

That strict retired teacher, but why is she here...' pondered Shirley.

Before she could even have some more thoughts on it, a sharp killing glare was cast onto her. Shirley was startled by it, and nearly knelt to the ground.

The killing glare had come from Melody. When she first saw Shirley, Melody really wanted to beat the girl with her crutch.

She had initially thought that Shirley would be Janet's best friend forever, but she had someone investigate the recent events and had got to know that Shirley was now not only Daniel's secretary, but also his fiancee.

Melody sighed and thought in her mind, 'Jane is so stupid. How could she let her best friend betray her like this and hook up with Daniel? Oh! Poor girl!'

"Miss Qin, please come in and serve us some tea!" instructed Daniel.

Daniel knew that Melody loved tea-leaves, and that she had also opened a restaurant in A Country for Samuel.

Among all of his secretaries, Miss Qin was the only one who had learned the tea ceremony.

"Of course, Mr. Si!" replied Miss Qin.

Then three people entered the CEO's office. Shirley could now finally take a firm stand, and she wiped the beads of sweat off her forehead, and felt really frightened...


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