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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 268

It was the same as what had happened to Kate three years ago. Kate also was willing to act as one of Daniel's strategic pieces in order to get what she wanted.

But, played as pieces on his chessboard, they should have known their position and rank.

They should have known better about the things that they could have gotten, and the things that they could have never even asked for!

Since Melody was pretty anxious, and had even come to his company, Daniel now thought that he had to handle Shirley's affair as soon as possible, to reassure the elder that he was indeed serious and that he knew what he was doing.

If Shirley decided to focus all of her attention on her work from now on, he would give her a proper good ending for her contribution.

Otherwise, he wouldn't show any kind of benevolence to her.

Melody didn't blame Daniel for his cruel heart, because she believed that it was better for a man to be resolved and decisive when the time came, than to be unsettled.

"There's one more thing that I need you to explain, " said Melody. She looked at the handsome and impressive man next to her, and thought that her dear Janet really had a good eye, and had picked up the right man for her.

"Yes? Please, ask me, " said Daniel.

"Last time when Jane came to pick up your child at the old house, I also saw you there, but you didn't get out of the car. Why? Why did you have to hide yourself in the car?" This was Melody's last question.

Daniel then burst into laughter, and replied, "Great grandmother, it's not me who didn't want to go in, but your dear great granddaughter didn't allow me to enter. We had even argued about it outside on that day. I'm as confused as you are, but maybe in her eyes, I'm... not honorable enough to show up in public with her..."

As soon as he finished his words, Miss Qin, who was on the opposite side to them, almost choked and suffocated on a sip of tea.

'Daniel Si is not honorable enough to show up in public? Oh, my god! If that were true, I wonder who else in the world would be honorable enough for her!' thought Miss Qin.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" Miss Qin apologized to them in a low voice, and then took out a tissue to wipe the tea that had dropped on her clothes.

Daniel cast a cold stare at her, but Melody saved Miss Qin from her embarrassment, and she said, "Stop staring, it's not the young girl's fault. Anyone would be laughing if they were to hear you say that you're not honorable enough! Huh, what a joke! If anyone ever dares to say that, I'll be the first one to disagree with him, or her!"

Miss Qin was moved, and then looked at Melody. She now believed that the Si family and Shao family really were a match made in heaven. 'These two families are made up of only good and kind people, and that's why their whole lives are filled with wealth and fame... Oh! Not just them, but also their next generations!' thought Miss Qin.

Hearing Melody's words, Daniel smiled, and asked, "Great grandmother, then why did Janet do such a thing? What do you think?"

Daniel really didn't understand a woman's complicated thoughts, and hoped that Melody could help him finally figure it out.

Melody meditated for a while, and said, "Jane used to have some tricky and crazy thoughts on her, and even I couldn't understand her sometimes. I can't answer your question, and it seems that you have to figure it out all by yourself!"


This old lady was pretty funny, and Miss Qin had the urge to laugh.

Then, Melody and Daniel went on talking for a while, and Melody said again, "Daniel, marriage is something important in life, and I trust that you will bring happiness and joy to my dear great granddaughter!"

"Great grandmother, please don't worry, she's my dear baby too, " said Daniel.


Miss Qin discreetly glanced at her boss, and saw his peaceful face. She wondered how he could utter these words out so peacefully, without being ashamed of them. She really wanted to see Janet's reactions hearing these words.

Facing Melody's repeated concerns, Daniel then went to open the safe. He took out something from it, and then placed it in front of Melody.

The two women in the office were dumbfounded when they saw what he had put on the table. Melody instantly put down the tea cup, and opened it. 'Oh, it's actually real...'

"When did you get this? Why hasn't Jane told me about it?" Melody bent her body down to have a better look at the certificate in her hand; it didn't seem to be fake.

Daniel fixed his tie, and simply said, "She doesn't know yet."


Again, Melody was dumbfounded that he could've gotten this without even letting Janet know about it. It only proved that Daniel indeed had some strong connections!

Miss Qin couldn't help but thumb up to her boss. Daniel caught a short glimpse of the gesture, and he didn't give her a cold stare, but instead nodded to her.


'Oh, my god! Our CEO is... so scheming!


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