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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 270

Janet asked furiously, "You already have a beauty accompanying you. Why are you calling me instead?"

Holding her handbag in one hand and the phone in the other, she walked to the parking lot. But she was unaware of where she had to go.

"You're better in bed, " replied Daniel.


"Shit! Fuck off!" cried Janet.

'Does he really think that I'm that kind of woman?' she wondered. Janet's heart was hurt.

Daniel warned her, "If you don't come here in half an hour, I will pick you up from the Tianye Men personally!"

Janet knew that Daniel was serious about all he said. After she hung up, she drove to the Northton Hotel, as he had requested her.

As soon as she arrived in the hotel's lobby, a large group of people came out.

And Daniel was walking in front of them.

Beside him were Spark and Shirley, and they were all surrounded by some men dressed in suits that started walking towards the entrance.

She stood still, and Daniel noticed her.

Shirley's face darkened when she saw Janet.

Seeing Shirley's obvious unhappiness, Janet soon became delighted.

She then walked towards Daniel.

Ignoring all the others' bewildered expression on their faces, she grabbed him by the waist, and said, "I'm tired now, and I really want to sleep!"

What she said was true. Because she had been keeping an eye after Caspar, she had never had a good night's sleep in days.

Daniel's partners then started to scold Janet. "Who are you? How dare you come so close to Boss Si?"

Daniel glared at them and said nothing. When all the people present thought that Daniel would lose his temper, he suddenly held her up in his arms.

They were all shocked.

Witnessing the scene, Shirley clenched her fists so tight that her nails painfully pierced her palm, but this pain was far different from the one that was boiling in her heart.

"Excuse me, " said Daniel. Daniel and Janet then quickly left the lobby, and walked towards the elevator to their hotel room.

Spark came to himself, and ordered Shirley, "Lead Boss Qi and Boss Liu on their way out." Boss Qi and Boss Liu were two of Daniel's partners.

Then, Spark ran towards Daniel and Janet to help them press the elevator's button.

But a bellboy had already helped them out with this.

Spark stopped, and thought, 'I'd better not interrupt them.'

Room 1836

Another bellboy opened the door for them, and Daniel brought Janet in and kicked the door shut.

He put Janet down and pressed her on the wall.

"Janet, how kind-hearted of you! By taking care of Caspar, you've already exhausted yourself!" Noticing the dark circles under her eyes, Daniel was worried about her.

'Woman, do you know how worried I really am for you, let alone you doing all of this for another man!' thought Daniel to himself.

Janet pushed him away, and said, "That's none of your business!"

Daniel surrounded her with his embrace, so she squatted to escape him.

She then took off her shoes and was just about ready to fall asleep on the bed.

But one of her shoes accidentally hit Daniel's legs.


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