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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 269

But if they had observed her face more carefully, they would have seen that Shirley was heavily gritting her teeth, and that her fingers had been tucked deep into her coat's pockets.

On the fourth day of Caspar's coma, there was finally a sign indicating that he would soon wake up. All the while, Janet had kept looking after him by his side.

Janet noticed when he slowly started to open his eyes.

She was so thrilled that she stood up from her chair, and cried, "Caspar! Caspar! Are you awake now?"

Caspar grinned, and slowly nodded to her; he was happy that the first person that he saw was Janet.

"Are you thirsty? Let me help you with some water, " said Janet.

Caspar nodded his head again.

Before she gave him water, Janet pressed the calling button for the nurse. While she was tapping his lips with a wet cotton bud, the doctors and nurses came in.

She put down the glass of water and stepped back, afraid that she might interfere with the doctors' check on Caspar.

But her hand was then gripped by a big palm.

In a hoarse voice, Caspar said to her, "Please, don't go away!"

Janet's heart trembled, and she nodded to him.

After a couple of minutes, the doctors finished their checks, and said, "The patient is out of danger now, and just needs to recover from his wounds. Just take good care of him, and he'll be alright."

Janet nodded to the doctors.

Then she carefully listened to their instructions on what they should be cautious about.

There were a lot of matters that needed attending to, and some of them were even more tormenting than those of her confinement during her childbirth.

After the doctors and nurses left, Janet said in a tender voice, "Please let go of my hand first, I have to call grandpa Dillon and the others. They're all worried sick about you."

Caspar nodded and loosened his grip on her.

Janet then made a call to Dillon and Croft, and when dusk came, the patient's room was again crowded with people.

When they saw that Caspar had really waken up from his coma, all of them finally felt more relaxed, Dillon especially, instantly returning to his crazy and wild character from before.

Everybody felt speechless, and they doubted that Dillon had done it on purpose.

The night grew darker, and soon all became quiet. Caspar was still weak, and he fell asleep early.

Janet had laid down on the bed beside him, and when she was also about to fall asleep, her phone suddenly rang; it was a video call on her WeChat.

Because she had stayed in the patient's room for the last couple of days, she had turned down the volume on her phone.

But the video call ringer still pierced her ears in the quiet of the night, and she hastily clicked on her phone screen to switch it to silent mode.

The video call was coming from Daniel's WeChat account...

Janet looked at the time, and it was already ten o'clock in the evening. 'Is it my daughter calling?'

She took a look at the sleeping man on the bed, and while holding her phone, she went into the small kitchen and locked the door behind her.

After Janet went into the kitchen, the man sleeping on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

Except for the days when he had been in a coma, Caspar had never let his guard down when he was sleeping or working.

When Janet's phone rang, he knew quite well who was calling her.

It must've been that man!

Inside the small kitchen, Janet answered the video call on WeChat. Soon enough, she saw that the bedroom inside mansion No. 9, and Melissa's face.

When she saw her daughter's face, all of her build-up tension was eased. She also felt more relaxed that it wasn't Daniel.

She called her in a tender voice, "My dear baby..."

"Mommy, why haven't you come back yet? It's been long, and I've missed you so much!" Melissa lay on the wide bed, turning her body to and fro.

When she saw her daughter's lovely look in her eyes, Janet burst into laughter, and said, "I'll be back in a couple of days. Remember to behave well, and not be naughty!"

"Mommy, have you gone to see uncle Caspar?" asked Melissa. She had remembered her father's questions, and had asked at once.


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