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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 279

Daniel asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"She's sick because of the new environment."

"I see."

After Daniel hung up the phone, he said to Janet, "I need to go to the hospital first, but you go back to the hotel."

Shirley was, after all, his secretary, and she was in the hospital. He had to pay her a visit.

But as for Janet… Given her bad relationship with Shirley, she never wanted to see her again.

Daniel didn't use the Bluetooth headset, and Janet heard nearly all that Spark had said to him.

"All right!" Janet replied to him without hesitation.

Daniel cast a glance at her and captured the sadness that had built up in her eyes at the time.

"I'll go back to the hotel with you!" He changed his mind at once, because if she felt morose about the whole thing, then he wouldn't go.

While looking through the window, rather than him, she replied, "Never mind, you can go."

Why go and see Shirley? He had known very well that she disliked her. If he had went to see Spark, then she wouldn't have said anything.

Daniel pulled the car over, and said, "Jane, I don't want you to be unhappy."

They had finally been together again, and he didn't want anything unpleasant to happen between them ever again.

She blurted out what she was thinking at the time, "Well, then don't go. I don't want you to see her!"

And anyway, she had no interest at all to make friends again with Shirley!

Daniel smiled, and kissed her lips, and said, "Okay, then. I'm not going."

As they arrived at the hotel, Janet went in the bathroom to take a shower first, and Daniel went to handle his business.

When she finished her shower, Janet thought of the twins, but she didn't dare to video call them, because she feared to let Daniel know about the whole thing.

At the time, Janet was wandering if she should tell Daniel about twins, or not.

But, at the thought of they being back together again for not that long of a time, she thought that it was a little bit too soon to tell him about the twins at the moment.

'Well, maybe later!' she thought.

After chatting with Sally on WeChat, she found out that the twins were with Lola, which finally made her give up on the thought to video call her sweeties.

After finishing his work, Daniel would have normally thought to go to Janet, but he had gotten so sweaty that he instead went to take a shower first.

Just after he entered the bathroom, his phone on the desk rang.

It was Sabina.

Janet took the phone in her hand and then knocked on the bathroom's door, and said, "Hey, it's your ex-girlfriend."

An instant reply came from inside the bathroom, that said, "Do as you like."

Janet threw his phone on the bed, determined to ignore the call, but it kept ringing again and again...

Finally driven beyond her patience, Janet picked up the phone, answered it, and shouted, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you keep calling us to disturb our romantic and happy night together?"

Before she could spoke out her grievance, Sabina, who was already in an upset mood, was outraged when she heard Janet's voice.

"Where's Daniel?" she inquired.


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