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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 280

Without giving Sabina even a chance to speak, Janet came closer to Daniel, and seductively said, "Daniel, you're awake."

"I just want to do one thing right now!" replied Daniel.

Janet exaggeratedly cried, and then held him by the waist, and said, "Daniel, come on! I'm still tired!"

Daniel couldn't help but laugh.

On the other side of the line, Sabina's face turned dark when she heard the ambiguous dialogue between them.

When Daniel held up Janet in his arms and threw her onto the big bed, Janet screamed, "Ah, it hurts!"

Her bottom really ached.

The man pressed on her and looked at her gloomily, and asked, "Janet, am I impotent?"

Janet shook her head immediately, covered the speaker, and spoke with an ingratiating smile, "My dear Daniel, how could you ever be impotent! You are too good at it!"

'Damn it, he heard me!' Janet now looked a little pale.

Her robe was rudely ripped apart, and after her phone was tossed aside, Janet started screaming for mercy, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Not long after that, a woman's moan came sounding from the other side of the line, and Sabina got very upset, but she didn't hang up.

She looked at the time just to see if Janet was actually telling the truth.

And the result was that…

Half an hour had passed, an hour had passed, and Janet had begged for mercy for several times, but Daniel didn't let her go.

Sabina was so furious that she smashed her phone into the wall! Her phone was smashed.

'Bitch! How dare she lie to me! Daniel is good!' resentfully thought Sabina.

The night was getting darker. In the hospital infusion room, Shirley desperately looked at the one third of the liquid left in the IV bottle. It was already past one o 'clock in the morning, and now she was sure that Daniel wouldn't come.

She was out of luck, because she had to make herself sick just to meet Daniel.

When Janet was away and she had been in the hospital for a few times, Daniel had always come and seen her, even it was for only a couple of minutes.

But when Janet had come back, Daniel didn't even call her.

Janet had so many people around protecting her, that she had absolutely no chance to hurt her.

But she still wouldn't give up! Janet was a member of the underworld, wasn't she? She would find a way to get Janet into the hands of her opponent.

As the day dawned, Daniel let go of the woman who had already fainted under him and smiled mischievously.

When Janet woke up in the afternoon, the first thing that she did was to get on her phone.

She opened a shopping app, and slid the screen back and forth with her still slightly shaking fingers.

She finally found and bought the thing that she wanted, filled in the address of the SL group, and then left Daniel's phone number. No, she couldn't give his private number to anyone.

She left Spark's phone number instead, and attached a note, that said, "Please give it to Daniel."

Everything went well. With that thing, Daniel wouldn't be pestering her like that!

She couldn't keep up with him, and she wanted to get some more sleep.

This time, however, she seemed to have fallen into an abyss, and she was quite familiar with the landscape around it.

The infinite fear gradually wrapped around her; her head was pressed against a black gun.

"Janet, go and kill Dillon and Caspar, " said a man, gloomily.


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