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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 294

Angela and Selina looked at the family, who had an exaggerated view of their own abilities, in disdain.

They were all stupid, which could have been regarded as a family resemblance. It was really surprising how Ethan had gotten his current position.

"Who is Samuel Shao?" asked Clarissa unconvinced. She had heard of Angela Si, Chuck Si and Sven Si, but little about Samuel Shao.

Samuel had left the legal circles when Jerry had taken over the law firm in his place. He had then been busy with travelling with his wife, and they had been almost forgotten by the public.

Ethan had heard of the name Samuel Shao, but little about Samuel's true capability as a lawyer.

Although he had met Samuel once before, he had failed to learn more about him.

Angela and Selina chuckled when they heard Clarissa's question.

Angela raised her chin, and answered in a haughty tone, "How are you so ill informed about Samuel Shao when you've been in C Country for such a long time? Come on, I don't want to explain it to you, but you just have to remember that Janet is definitely not the person that you can afford to offend or mess around with!"

"That's just because she has Mr. Daniel's support, " said Clarissa resentfully. Clarissa was still not convinced. She rubbed her face, which was still a little painful, and thought to herself, 'I'm certain that I'll have my revenge on her.'

Despite her mother's dissuasion, Sabina came up to Clarissa, and said, "Everyone knows that Miss Angela has a good relationship with that Janet. Is this the reason why you're scaring my cousin?"

Sabina had gotten married abroad at an early age, and didn't know too much about the noble circles of C Country.

They believed that Janet relied only on Daniel or Angela's family. However, if someone had told them that she relied only on her own family, they would have never believed it.

Selina smiled gently, and said to Angela, "Stupid woman, it doesn't matter whether they know the Shao family or not. Janet is Daniel's woman, which is enough for her to do anything that she wants in C Country. Why are there always some people who can't realize this and want to make enemies with her?"

The irony in her words was obvious, and as the crowd began to gossip around them, Clarissa clearly heard what they said. "Is Janet the woman who dumped Mr. Daniel?"

"Yes, she is. Her father is one of the top international lawyers, and her brother, who is young but also very excellent, is sure to make a notable difference in the business circles sooner or later."

"Yes! Everyone with the slightest common sense knows how many contacts and connections a powerful lawyer might have behind him; it seems that Clarissa has underestimated Janet's background!"

"I've heard that Mr. Daniel had gone all the way to a small village just to save Janet! That is absolutely true love!"

"Yes, the woman that Daniel dotes on is absolutely happy!"

The people's gossip and Angela and Selina's words embarrassed the Yi family members.

Ethan threw the ice cube pack to her wife, and asked her to put them on Clarissa's face. He realized he had something more important to do.

Clarissa had never been so insulted and humiliated like this, and she was also irritated by the onlookers who gossiped around her. She was very angry with what had happened.

She called out to Angela, who was just leaving. "You! Stop!"

Seeing Clarissa talking to Angela like that, Mrs. Yi whispered to her daughter, "Clarissa, we can afford to offend neither Angela's family nor Daniel's family."

Clarissa took off her mother's hand from her face and threw the ice cubes back to her. She was determined to find out what background was Janet actually from.

After all, her father was the director of a department. How could she ever be afraid of a petty civilian?

Angela ignored Clarissa behind her and took Selina by the arm. She was then ready to leave to look for her mother.

Ignored by her, Clarissa stepped forward and held Angela by the arm, and shouted, "Angela! Tell me from what background is Janet!"


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