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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 295

When Angela Si asked Clarissa Yi, Taylor Fan saw Arvin Gu at first. He came to Arvin quickly, and asked, "'Dr. Arvin, why did you come so early?"

When Arvin saw Taylor coming, he didn't plan to talk to Angela, but instead looked at him, and said, "Grandma asked me to take this for Mrs. Fan."

One of his assistant took a box for Taylor.

Taylor looked at the box with pleasure, and said, "Thank you Dr. Arvin, and thank your grandma Mrs. Gu. If you don't mind, I would like to invite you for a dinner upstairs..."

"I'm actually busy, I have to leave now." Arvin ignored Taylor's invitation and quickly left.

Taylor knew that Arvin was the third son of the Gu clan in the Shine Empire. The Gu clan was famous for it's medicine skills, which had made Arvin famous, even though he had just entered the high society for a short time.

Also, he had inherited excellent medicinal skills from Mrs. Gu, and had already become a dark horse in the medicine industry.

Taylor didn't dare to stop him, and he showed Arvin out personally.

When Arvin passed by Angela, who was cleaning her dress and pouting her lips, he became a little angry.

But Angela didn't notice it.

After Arvin had already left for some time, lots of policemen came in.

The hall had quickly become silent, and both Clarissa and Sabina did not feel too great about it.

The chief of police came to Ethan, who was speaking to the others, saluted to him, and said, "Mr. Ethan, your daughter Clarissa and her friend Sabina are suspected for a malicious incident, and we are arresting them right now!"

Then the chief of police showed an arrest warrant to Ethan.

Everyone in the hotel was shocked by the news.

OMG! Someone dared to arrest Ethan's daughter, the director of the department of public security! Oh my god!

Ethan was angry, and he knew who had done this.

"I am the director of the department of public security! If my daughter is a suspect, how could I not know about it?" Ethan tried to threaten the policemen by way of his high position.

The chief of police smiled, and said, "Mr. Ethan, I am sorry. This letter was issued by a higher authority. Please forgive us for what we are about to do. Arrest Clarissa Yi and Sabina Fan!"

"Who dared...?" Ethan became furious. If someone took his daughter away in front of him, he would lose his face completely.

Looking at the heavy handcuffs, Clarissa cried, and shouted to Ethan, "Father, help me!"

Sabina, who was sitting next to Clarissa, was afraid, and her legs became weak and started trembling.

"Sorry, Mr. Ethan, we're just following orders. Arrest them!" After saying that, the chief of police didn't look again at Ethan, and took the two women away straight away.

Clarissa didn't want to be arrested. She squatted down to stop the policemen, and shouted to Ethan, "Father, I don't want to go to the jail, please, help me!"

Clarissa, a Lady of the Yi clan for more than twenty years, had never went to jail before, and she was terrified when the police came to take her away.

"Uncle, please, help us!" Sabina became worried too, and cried out to Ethan for help as well.

'Janet Shao! That bitch!' Because of Janet, she had offended Daniel again, and again.

Ethan understood that he was in big trouble, but he didn't figure out to whom had Daniel asked for help to punish him.

No matter who Daniel had found, Ethan knew that he couldn't allow his secret to leak out, that he had bribed officials for his public position.

He tried to calm down, and asked the chief of police, "May I ask who issued the order?"

The chief, Mr. Ren, came to him, and lightly said, "Mr. Ethan, you have offended the big boss... This order has been issued by him personally!"

After saying this, they took the two women away, ignoring their screams and cries for help, and the surprised looks on the people's faces.

All present at the party understood why they had been taken away, But they didn't know that Daniel was so powerful.


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