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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 343

Without looking at Shirley, the staff at the front desk followed Janet to the CEO's private elevator and helped her press the button for the 88th floor.

After the elevator door closed, Janet's indifferent face turned sad.

She still felt bitter when she thought of Shirley.

Apart from Angela, Sally, and Selina, she had regarded Shirley as her best friend.

When she was still in school, many of her classmates didn't want to make friends with her, but Shirley did.

She thought she and Shirley would be best friends forever. When she had found out that Shirley was pregnant, Janet also wanted to get married and give birth to a child, so their children would become sworn brothers or sisters, or they could arrange marriage for them... ...

She didn't expect that Shirley would replace their decades of friendship with a man.

Janet remembered the night of a Mid-Autumn Festival a few years ago. Sharing a blanket, she and Shirley sat by a river in America until midnight, just to admire the moon.

When they couldn't stand the cold any longer, they ran to a nearby Internet cafe. As they were about to rent computers for the night, a man asked them to use his computers instead because he was ditched by a friend.

They spent the whole night there, without paying for the computers. Then, at about 7 AM, they went back to their dormitory and spent the whole day sleeping on one bed, while hugging each other...

The elevator quickly arrived at the 88th floor. Janet composed herself, took a deep breath, and walked out of the elevator.

'Janet, don't be softhearted...' she reminded herself.

When Spark saw Janet, he immediately walked up to her and said, "Hello, Mrs. Si, you're here!"

Janet furrowed her brows and said, "Don't call me that. After all, your Mr. Si has yet to make a public announcement about our relationship."

While uttering these words, Janet opened Daniel's office door.

Daniel heard what Janet said. He put down his pen and walked up to Janet with a smile on his face. "What's up?"

Spark glanced at Daniel and said, "Nothing, Mr. Si. I just called her 'Mrs. Si' just now."

So that was why Janet said that Daniel hadn't made a public announcement about their relationship.

Daniel told Spark, "You can call her that. It's okay."

"Copy that, Mr. Si!" Spark slightly smiled, left the office, and closed the door behind him.

Daniel wrapped his arms around Janet and brought her to the sofa. "What did you get from Sven's hospital?"

Janet didn't tell him and just said, "Secret!"

Daniel chuckled. He took a box from his desk and put it in front of her. "Here. You can use this. I've applied a new SIM card for you."

Janet opened the box and saw a brand new phone.

"I have to ask Hobson to give me ten phones!" She had lost two phones because of Hobson.

"I agree!" Daniel tucked her short hair behind her ears, which revealed her tender neck. Daniel took a long look at it.

At this moment, Daniel's phone rang.


After he heard Sally speak on the other side of the line, Daniel's expression changed.

"Okay, I see!"

After he hung up, Daniel immediately browsed on Weibo with his phone. The top search was about Janet.

He clicked it and saw some photos that made him upset.

Without uttering a single word, he walked up to his desk and called Spark, "Spark, come into my office."

When she saw Daniel's face, Janet curiously asked him, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Daniel looked at Janet for a little while and decided not to tell her anything. "Nothing. Wait for me in my private lounge."

Spark came in the office. Janet walked toward the lounge, with the phone in her hand.


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