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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 344

Three years ago, Daniel was framed by Poe. He thought that Janet would have trusted him, but she didn't.

Now, people abused and insulted her because of the scandalous photos. 'Will he still trust me?' Janet thought to herself.

Without hesitation, Daniel proclaimed, "Of course, my little Jane, I will always trust you! I have faith in you!"

Sven and Jerry told him everything. They stopped Hobson in time when he had tried to rape Janet. Besides, he knew Janet best. She would tell him if something had happened.

Even if Hobson had raped her, he wouldn't blame her nor abandon her.

She was a victim, and it was his fault that he wasn't there to protect her.

Janet was moved by his words. She put her arms around Daniel and said, "Thank you, Daniel. Thank you for saying that."

She didn't care about what people had said on the internet because they didn't matter. Plus, people would say malicious words on the internet all the time.

She only cared about what her families, friends, and her beloved thought.

"Sweetie, there's no need to say thank you. It wasn't your fault. I'll handle it and clear your name." Daniel comforted her as he kissed her forehead.

"Okay, " said Janet with a smile.

The photos had been deleted from Weibo. But things remained far from over. Other apps picked them up on the news.

Daniel's extensive social network could help resolve this matter. He told Spark to press charges against the platforms that would report on Janet's photos.

But the photos were seen as an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the apps to gain a wider audience. As a result, they ignored Spark's threat. Although SL Group had tried its best, it failed to stop the spreading of the photos.

Soon after, both their parents knew about it.

A household helper heard about what happened and told Lola. Lola was shocked, so she immediately called Ella to discuss what they could do about it.

But Ella didn't know anything about it.

Harry drove Lola and Janet's two daughters to Janet's house to fix the problem together.

Samuel wanted to understand the situation first. He was worried about his daughter.

"Jane, could you tell me what had happened?" said Samuel kindly.

Janet was very upset at herself as she saw Daniel running around all day. As the CEO of SL Group, Daniel was already very busy, but he was busier now because of her. She felt sorry to have given him so much trouble.

"Don't worry, Father. Those are fake news. I was framed by Hobson. Nothing had happened between us, " explained Janet.

Samuel was relieved. He patted Janet on the back and said, "Don't worry. We'll resolve this problem."

It made her want to cry after hearing her father's words. "Okay. Thanks, Dad, " said Janet, tears welling up in her eyes.

There were lots of people who loved her. She felt so happy.

Things were getting better as Daniel personally intervened to stop the situation from getting worse.

With Samuel and Harry's help, Janet's name and photos were deleted on most online platforms.

But there were still some small companies that released the photos. Daniel crushed them and warned the others not to make the same mistake.

People began to talk about Janet and SL Group.

Using the SL Group's official account, the company's lawyers put out a statement, which clarified the truth. The statement explained how Janet was a victim in the photo. A criminal had wanted to rape her, but fortunately her friends had shown up just in time to rescue her. The Group would hold the criminal responsible for what he had done.

Daniel reposted this on his Weibo account and wrote, "I stand with the victim. The criminal must be held responsible for his wrongdoing."

Jerry then reposted Daniel's words, and so did Sven, Shelly, and Colin.

Jerry also said that he and Sven rescued his sister.

People started to regard Janet as a victim, rather than a "slut".


Daniel, Jerry, Sven, and Colin, had stellar reputations. Their words had positive influences on people's perspectives.


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