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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 352

The nurse, whose children were already teenagers, was standing next to Daniel and timidly looking at him.

Janet carefully looked at Daniel's arm, while the nurse was tying his bandage. All of a sudden, Daniel asked Janet, "Jane, could you bring me a water bowl?"

'What? A water bowl? For what?'

Janet was still angry, and at first wanted to refuse Daniel, but she unconsciously followed his order and went to the bathroom.

When he saw Janet walking to the bathroom, in a low voice, Daniel asked the nurse, "Hurry!"

"Yes, Mr. Si!" The nurse began to clean his wound and prepared the new bandage.

When Janet returned from the bathroom with the water bowl, Daniel's arm had been already bandaged.

When the nurse left, Janet quietly put the bowl in front of Daniel.

He gestured to her that his shirt was not on him.

Janet walked closer to him, and whispered, "You're hurt, and you don't need to wear this shirt now; you should wear patient clothes. Do you want to seduce the pretty nurses with your nice shirt?"


Daniel pinched her cheek, and said, "Jane, everything that I've done is wrong for you, isn't it?"

"Right or wrong, it's none of my business. Isn't it?" Janet furiously stared at him, but her gestures were more gentle.

After he got dressed in his shirt, Daniel held Janet's hand, put it on his chest, and asked her, "Do I need to tell you whether what I've done is related to you or not?"

"... Daniel, you're such a rascal!" Daniel's warm chest made Janet blush, and she pulled her hand and stood few steps back.

"What are you thinking of? I just want you to help me button up." said Daniel.


Now that Daniel was wounded, Janet had to help him button up his shirt.

"Daniel, are your buttons… gold plated?"

Gold plated buttons? Were his shirt buttons plated with a layer of gold? Of course they weren't, because Daniel wouldn't wear cheap things like that. He corrected her, and said, "No, they're made from solid gold."


After she helped him button his shirt, Janet put his hand on the bowl. Daniel asked, "Bring me some liquid soap."

... Janet sat up and quickly got the liquid soap from the bathroom.

Sven was generous, because the liquid soap in the hospital was imported from overseas.

"Wash my right hand, " said Daniel.

Janet obediently washed his right hand, and thought 'Okay, he can't move his left hand now.'

"Wipe and dry it as well, " he said, and Janet obediently wiped his hand.

"Good girl."

When Janet was pouring the water in a sink, she realized that she was still angry with Daniel. She should have ignored him, instead of doing so many things for him.

After she walked out of the bathroom, Janet just sat on the bed and ignored Daniel.

Daniel sent some messages to Spark Shi, and after that he stood up from the sofa and sat next to Janet on the bed. "Darling, don't be angry with me, okay?" he said.

Janet slapped his arm when he placed his arm around her shoulder, and said, "No way! You don't care at all about my feelings! Why can't I be angry with you for once?"

"I was wrong, I apologize, okay?"

"Hmm...you apologized pretty quickly this time. Did you do anything that I don't know of?" Today's Daniel was different from usual, and Janet looked at him with doubtful eyes.

Unexpectedly, Daniel nodded heavily.

"I knew it! Tell me, what have you done?" Janet pouted her lips, and angrily stared at the smirking man.


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