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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 353

"Okay! We'll be preparing the dinner then. Drive safe!" Ella joyfully hung up, and then walked into the kitchen and started getting busy.

Daniel gave Janet's phone back, and said, "I'm fine, don't worry about it. I just have a little trouble moving my left arm around, but it doesn't matter."

"Okay. If the wound hurts, you should tell me. You don't have to foolishly endure the pain." She was worried that Daniel would bear the pain anyway just to save face.

Daniel smoothed her long fair hair, and replied, "Okay."

In the evening, Daniel tried to call Sven before leaving the ward, but Sven's assistant answered, and told him that he had just entered the operating room.

"Tell him that I left. I'll contact him if anything happens."

"Okay, Mr. Si!"

When Janet got into the car, she felt that she seemed to be forgetting about something important.

After thinking about it for some time, she still couldn't figure out what that was. Melissa asked Daniel, "Father, do you really have to take that bitter medicine?"

... When she heard Melissa's words, Janet finally remembered. After she had come out of the ward's bathroom, she had failed to find the medicine that Sven had brought with him. The medicine... seemed to be... lost!

While she was sullenly fixing her gaze on Daniel, he was also looking at her, but with joyful eyes.

Janet sarcastically asked him, "Where's the medicine?"

Daniel pointed at the hospital building, and replied, "It's in the drawer."

When the nurse had helped him dress his wound earlier, he had asked Janet to go away from him. He did that for two purposes: first, that he didn't want Janet to see his terrible wound, and second, he... hated to take medicine!

Janet then got out of the car, closed the door and went back upstairs to the ward.

After she got back there, she searched the drawer and found the medicine that Sven had brought with him.

She then took out some pills according to the daily dosage, and carried them in her hand. She put the rest of the pill bottles inside her coat pocket, and after that she went to pour a cup of water and walked out of the ward.

Inside the car

With an inscrutable face, Daniel looked at the pills and the cup of water in Janet's hand for a long time, unable to reply.

"Daniel, your own two daughters are watching you! Do you really want them to know you as a coward, that you're afraid of taking a couple of small pills?"

Janet provokingly looked at him.

He frowned for some time, but eventually took the cup of water from Janet. "Who told you that I'm afraid of taking medicine! I just don't like you carrying my pills in your hand!"

Then, he opened his mouth in front of Janet, and waited for her to put the pills in his mouth.

Michelle leaned forward, and in a childish voice, asked, "Father, what are you doing?" When she looked at Daniel, she even pinched his face.

Daniel's face was twisted, and Janet couldn't help but laugh while she poured all of the pills into his mouth at once.

She then watched the stubborn man frown, and gulp copious amounts of water.

"Wow! Father is so amazing! You've swallowed all the pills so fast!" Michelle cheerfully clapped her hands, and completely ignored Daniel's long face.

Janet smiled and took the empty cup from Daniel. After she threw it into the trash can, she got back inside the car.

Janet initially wanted to sit in the front, with the driver, but Daniel insisted that she should sit in the back with them.

The car was very spacious, and even when all four of them were sitting in the back, it still didn't seem to be crowded at all.

When the car door closed, Daniel pressed Janet against it and kissed her...

Melissa curiously looked at Daniel and Janet, who had their eyes closed while kissing. "Michelle, do you know why daddy kisses mommy?" asked Melissa.

After she pondered this for a moment, Michelle replied, "Perhaps because they are adults."

She remembered that her mother had once told her that only adult people could kiss.


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