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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 354

Dinner was soon prepared, and as the dishes were placed on the table, Jerry also entered the mansion and joined them.



"Uncle Jerry!"

John, together with the twins, ran up to Jerry and warmly greeted him.

Jerry held up the twins in his arms, and said, "Hello, Melissa and Michelle! John, how are you doing at school lately?"

"I'm doing quite well! Brother-in-law praised me just now!" answered John, with a proud voice.

While he brought the twins into the dining hall, Jerry raised his brows, and said, "John, you're already calling him brother-in-law!"

"Of course! He is indeed my brother-in-law!" said John. He then turned to Daniel, and asked, "Brother-in-law, am I right?"

While gently patting him on the head, Daniel answered, "Yes, you're right!"

John cheerfully looked at Jerry, and said, "You and Janet are not treating me as well as my brother-in-law is. I'll have to betray you and stand by his side from now on!"

Jerry teased him, "Fine! Go ahead! Do you need me to throw you into his arms?" Jerry's careless appearance made John shut his mouth.

Jerry then put the twins on their little safety chairs, and took his own son from Sally's arms. He said, "Didn't I tell you not to hold our son too often?"

Sally was still weak because of the delivery, and she was not supposed to use too much of her strength.

She gently pinched her son's nose and complained to Jerry, "I'm fine. Your son did a poo poo and made my trousers dirty today!" said Sally.

"You're his mother. How can you be afraid of your own son's poo?" asked Jerry. After that, he kissed Sally's forehead to comfort her.

Sally suddenly got shy and pushed him away from her, and in a low voice, said, "Everybody here is looking at us. Go and wash your hands, we're ready to have dinner."

Jerry passed his son to the babysitter next to him and went to wash his hands.

At the dinner table, Ella and Samuel were taking care of the twins, while Janet was busy picking food for Daniel and Melody.

Soon enough, Daniel's plate was filled up with all sorts of food.

Daniel picked some pork ribs and put them on her plate, and said, "Stop picking food for me, I can do it by myself."

His left arm was wounded, but he could still pick the food with his right arm.

"Fine!" Janet ate her pork ribs, and then picked up food for Melody again.

The atmosphere around them was very warm. The elders and children all enjoyed themselves together, and they felt satisfied to see each other's smiling faces at the table.

After dinner, the whole family sat in the living room and had their happy chats together. They seemed to have reached an agreement that they wouldn't talk about any unhappy thing.

Janet and John kept bickering with each other, and Daniel whispered in her ear, "You're already a mother, with two daughters actually. Why are you still acting like a kid?"

"What? Don't you like me this way?" asked Janet. She looked at him, her eyes gleaming with expectation.

Daniel burst into laughter. Ignoring her refusal, he gripped her hand, and said, "Yes, but how do you know that I love all of your looks?"


Janet pinched his big palm, and said, "Daniel, you never stop joking with me!"

He tittered, "You know I never told you a lie!"

"... Fine! But coincidently, I am pretty much fond of you!" She grinned a smile, and while she looked at the big palms that were holding her hands, sweet feelings of love filled her heart.

At that moment, Jerry got up, and after he cleared his throat, he said, "Hey, hey! Daniel, Janet, please don't showcase your love in front of me while my wife is still in her recovery after childbirth*!"


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