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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 127

“So what if someone sees us? Even if that were to happen, they would only think you are the one who seduced me, wouldn’t they?”

Michael’s lips curled upwards into a triumphant smirk, his eyes gleaming.

No wonder he was not worried. He had already taken that into account. Michael truly was getting more and more despicable.

“What on earth do you want, Michael? Will you only be satisfied after you’ve forced me to resign? What exactly have I done to offend you to make me your punching bag at work?”

I was furious. It was no secret that Michael was trying to make things difficult for me. Even though I was the one who suggested to break things off between us, which probably hurt his ego, I had become nothing but an employee with no power against him. There was absolutely no reason for him to be targeting me in everything I did.

“Did I say I want you to resign? Can’t you handle this bit of stress, Anna Garcia? Are you admitting defeat already?”

Michael frowned slightly, scrutinizing me. Displeasure flickered in his gaze.

“Is there anyone who wouldn’t admit defeat in front of you?”

I let out a dry laugh as I stared at him with contempt. He had already played me like a toy to this extent. What else could I do besides surrendering? The man in front of me was the famous Michael Shaw while I was just an ordinary woman. There was no other choice for me except to concede.

“Get out!”

Just as I thought he was going to lecture me further, Michael bolted upwards and hollered at me to leave.

Startled by the roar, I was dumbfounded by his sudden change in demeanor, unable to register what just happened. Only a second ago, he was still talking to me nicely. I truly could not make sense of the person in front of me. That man was dilemma personified.

Once I regained my senses, my heart was pounding so hard I feared it would jump out of my throat. Even so, I swallowed the panic I was feeling and feigned a calm demeanor. I refused to show my weakness in front of Michael.

Standing up straight, I grabbed the documents on the desk and strode out of his office.

Michael’s recent horrible attitude towards me played in my mind. Not only was he singling me out and taunting me at work, but he was also disrupting my private life. I felt nothing but exhaustion. I’ve had enough.

What did I owe him in my past life for him to treat me so terribly? Why can’t he give me just a little bit of freedom? What else must I do for him to let me go?

With reddened eyes, I returned to my seat. The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I got. It was not long before my tears started rolling down.

Millie looked up from her seat opposite mine. Upon noticing my disheveled look, she furrowed her eyebrows. Sympathy was written all over her face.

“Anna, are you okay? Why are you crying? Did the CEO scold you again?”

Millie knew that I had been targeted by Michael for the past weeks as well. Seeing me exiting Michael’s office with an upset look, it was normal for Millie to immediately assume that I had been scolded.

Knowing that Millie had noticed me crying, I hastily wiped off the tears with the back of my hand and blew my nose while forcing out a smile.

“I’m okay. Just that my proposal has been rejected again. I’ll just continue amending it.”

I did not want anyone else to know about the incident in Michael’s office earlier.

“Don’t be too upset, Anna. I looked through your designs yesterday and I thought it was good enough. Huh… who knows how high the CEO’s expectations are now… If it were before, your proposal would have been accepted ages ago.”


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