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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 142

Likewise, Michael kept his head down and simply kept eating without any intention to talk to me.

After finishing his meal, he put on his shoes and left without even a glance.

When we were in bed earlier, he still treated me gently. As such, I was deeply disappointed by his abrupt change in behavior.

Losing all my appetite, I silently tidied up the dining table before heading to the hospital alone.

Since Michael had already left, there was no reason left for me to stay here. Besides, I was still utterly concerned about Steven.

When I arrived at his ward, Steven had already woken up while my mother was feeding him chicken stew. Even though his operation was successful, he still looked frail.

The moment I stepped into the ward, they simply glanced at me without saying a word. My mother’s gaze on me was extremely cold.

Their behaviors were reasonable as Steven was in terrible shape. Thus, I forced myself to look past their icy attitude and walked over to my mother before reaching out to get the stew in her hand.

“Mom, you’ve been up the entire night. Let me take care of Steven. You should get some rest with Dad.”

Staring at me angrily, she pushed me away without a word.

I lifted my head and stared at her, sadness engulfing me. But before I could open my mouth, she spoke in an accusatory tone.

“Why are you here? Is it not enough what you’ve done to Stevie?”

Evidently, she still blamed me for everything that happened to Steven. But he was the one who got into the gambling debt. How’s that my fault? Why does no one try to understand my feelings?

I could no longer suppress my indignance as my eyes brimmed with tears while staring at my mother. “Mom, why are you putting all the blame on me? Steven has completed the operation, and I’ve paid all the expenses. So why do you still treat me like this?”

I choked on my words while saying that. I used to tolerate everything she said about me, but she had crossed the line that day. After all, I was still a human with emotions.

“Yes, you did pay for the operation, but where did you get that money? Didn’t you say that you have no money? The operation cost around a hundred thousand, right?”

My complaint did not seem to touch her at all. On the contrary, she became more enraged as she began suspecting me.


I wanted to tell her the truth, but I could not reveal my relationship with Michael. How could I be honest and say that the money came from a man because I slept with him? How could I live with dignity in front of my family in the future if they were to find out?

“Why? Nothing to say anymore? The truth is, you had the money all along, didn’t you? You just didn’t want to help your brother. If you have taken out the money sooner, Steven won’t be lying in bed right now!”


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