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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 145

I looked up at him in confusion.

“There’s a hundred thousand in this card. Go buy yourself some new clothes or something. You can throw all of your old clothes away if you want.”

Michael’s tone was neutral when he said that, but I felt uncomfortable at how he was treating me like a sugar baby.

“Thanks, but I can afford to do my own shopping, so you can keep your money.”

I refused his offer and placed the card on the nightstand.

After all the money Michael had given me so far, I couldn’t bring myself to accept any more from him. Although he had paid for Steven’s surgery bills because of our deal, I had cost him hundreds of thousands in just a few months.

“You’re my woman now, so don’t worry about it and just take whatever money I give you. I don’t mind giving you money as long as you don’t have any ulterior motives for being with me.”

I knew Michael was a generous man capable of offering insane amounts of money like it was nothing, but that last sentence he said hurt me deeply.

What does he mean by ulterior motives? Is it because all the women around him are after his money, so he finds it suspicious that I’m refusing his offer?

“Relax, I know what you mean. You and I are merely f*ck buddies, and nothing more.”

It wasn’t the first time Michael had reminded me of our relationship, and I was well aware that we had nothing between us outside of this house.

Right as I thought he was about to leave, he turned around at the door and said coldly, “Oh, and you’d better take care of Yuval as soon as possible. I don’t like my women being in messy relationships.”

I looked up in a panic when I heard him mention Yuval, and my gaze was met with a firm look in his eyes.

“I will. I’m going to talk to him about it today.”

I knew exactly what he meant. Whatever it was that I had going on with Yuval had to stop now that I was back with Michael.

Knowing how possessive he was, there was no telling what he would do if he found out that I’m still seeing other men.

Michael left after getting a satisfactory reply from me, and the room fell into silence once again.

I felt my chest tighten as I stared at the door and thought about what he said earlier.

Michael had a tendency to touch my heart with his words, only to send it back to rock bottom immediately after.

I made myself a very simple breakfast and gave Yuval a call afterward to explain everything.

We could no longer be together as I had decided to continue my relationship with Michael, so I had to make it clear to him.

Yuval was a little surprised when he got my call and seemed hesitant in his response. I assumed he thought I was calling him to borrow money or something.


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