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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 159

My heart lurched at Millie’s suspicious look, and panic struck me. Oh God, what’s the meaning of this? Why is she asking me such a question? Don’t tell me she has learned about my relationship with Michael?

“W-What do you mean? What kind of relationship could I have with Mr. Shaw?”

I regarded her with a flustered expression, my voice tinged with a hint of guilt.

“Ah, stop lying to me! Mr. Shaw came to the office yesterday and personally applied for leave on your behalf. Everyone was shocked and wondered about your relationship with him.”

Millie eyed me nosily, her gaze radiating curiosity.

“I-I was going to phone Mr. Doyle to apply for leave yesterday, but I somehow rang up Mr. Shaw instead,” I hastily clarified while looking at her sheepishly.

Phew! I thought she has learned about my relationship with Michael, but it seems that all the uproar is just because he helped me to apply for leave.

“Anna, I just feel that your relationship with Mr. Shaw isn’t that simple. Don’t tell me the two of you are actually dating?”

Millie didn’t believe my explanation, her eyes brimming with delight as she said that.

“What nonsense are you spouting, Millie? How could I possibly have anything to do with him? I’m just an ordinary employee. Please stop saying such a thing, for it’ll certainly bring me trouble if others overhear such speculation.”

While she was merely postulating, the panic within me snowballed. D*mn it! Now that she’s starting to suspect my relationship with Michael, it may truly come to light in the future!

“Alright, alright. I was just joking, so why are you so panicked? The more flustered you are, the more people will suspect you!”

Millie’s expression turned solemn as she stared at me. She didn’t continue pursuing the matter about my relationship with Michael, but I was inwardly freaking out. Dear Lord, if even Millie thinks that Michael and I are too close, will the others also feel the same way?

“Don’t simply say such a thing in the future. I don’t want to invite unnecessary trouble.”

After saying that coldly, I proceeded to ignore her and buried my head in my work. Truth be told, I was a little bent out of shape because of her remark earlier.

Millie stuck out her tongue at me. Perhaps realizing that she had gone overboard with her allegations, she merely cast me a hesitant glance without further comment.

My emotions were a chaotic mess the entire morning. Thanks to Millie’s comments, I simply couldn’t concentrate on my work.

After having lunch, I went to the washroom. When I entered the washroom, I accidentally bumped into two colleagues from my department.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you,” I promptly apologized.

“Are you blind? That hurts, you know!”

Initially, I thought that everything would be fine after apologizing. However, the female colleague whom I bumped into seemed disinclined to drop the matter. She shot daggers at me, her words scathing.

I frowned as chagrin flooded me from her biting reprisal. Jeez, I only knocked into her lightly. It’s not like I slammed into her. Does it warrant such pointed barbs?

“I’ve already apologized just now,” I placidly murmured, lifting my head to stare at her.


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