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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 167

Michael silently looked at me before paying the stall owner.

I said I was going to treat him, but he became the one treating me instead. I feel like crap…

“I’ll treat you next time! I promise!” I blurted, before pulling Michael toward a nearby table.

He looked at me with disdain when I did that.

After all, he was a germaphobe, so the entire place was more like a psychological challenge to him.

“Sit. It’s not dirty.” I pulled his hand as I spoke.

Since we started walking down the street, Michael had been fairly tense. When I tried to make him sit, he got even tenser.

He continued to look at me with disdain as I gobbled up the meat skewers.

I then stopped eating and gave him a couple of the meat skewers. “You should give these a try. They’re really good.”

“I don’t want to eat these. They are just going to poison me.” Staring at the skewers in my hand, his expression turned darker.

Oh my… can’t this man say something nicer? No one will die after eating the skewers. I pouted as I thought to myself.

“Just give it a try. It’s not as bad as you thought.” I then pushed the skewer toward his mouth and looked at him with anticipation.

Michael hesitated for a bit before opening his mouth and ate it.

I could see his tension relieving as he gracefully chewed on the meat. “It’s pretty good, right? I told you, the delicacies you eat on a daily basis are not necessarily the best. Sometimes, it’s the ordinary food that tastes really good.”

I was happy to see him enjoying the skewers.

Even more than being happy, I was proud of myself for successfully convincing the richest man in Avenport to eat with me at a roadside stall.

Michael took a couple more skewers from me and ate faster than I could, but he maintained his grace.

We continued to eat until I stuffed my stomach full.

On our way back, I felt a little tired. After all, the street we were in was pretty far away from the hospital, and Michael didn’t drive. Not to mention it was notoriously difficult to hail a taxi in that area.

“Let’s stop for a while. I’m a little tired.” My attempt to pull Michael’s hand to make him stop failed, and even though I just ate, I had no energy left in my body to hold him back. The fever was really dragging me down.

“We have just walked a short distance? You need to exercise more, Anna,” Michael commented as he saw me squatting on the ground.


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