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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 179

“There’s nothing left in the refrigerator? Then what did you eat these two days?”

Michael frowned at me, and I caught a glimpse of the concern flashing in his eyes. Am I seeing things? Is he actually concerned for me?

“I—” These few days, I either ate instant noodles or skipped eating altogether. Being plagued with thoughts of another woman in his arms every day left me without much of an appetite. It was so bad I even dreamt of him getting intimate with her in bed.

I was physically and mentally drained these days. I was on the verge of falling apart at the seams.

Michael’s scanned me from head to toe before remarking, “You’ve lost weight.”

My eyes widened slightly in surprise. Is this man that perceptive? He can even tell that I lost weight?

“Let’s eat and go to bed. You look tired.”

I looked away in panic. Everything Michael said since showing up made me a flustered mess. I was afraid I would accidentally expose my emotions in front of him.

After pushing a cup of instant noodles toward him, I dug into my own cup. Michael’s attitude toward me that night left me very confused. In the past, he never treated me so gently.

Instead of making things difficult for me like he usually did, he merely glanced at me before he started eating.

After eating, I followed Michael back to the bedroom. Probably because he was too exhausted, he slept almost as soon as his head hit the pillow instead of coming on to me like he usually did.

I was coincidently tired as well. Without Michael bothering me, I felt relaxed as I lay down beside him. With his arms loosely around me, I fell asleep very quickly.

In my sleep, I felt my body tingle with electricity.

Opening my eyes in a daze, Michael’s handsome face slowly came into focus.

My eyes flew wide open when my mind registered that I wasn’t having a wet dream, but it was Michael teasing my body.

“What are you doing, Michael?”

I instantly became fully awake and eyed him warily.

“What else do you think I’m doing? I was too tired for this last night, but I can make it up now that it’s morning.”

Michael’s mouth curved into a flirtatious smirk. Then, he leaned down to kiss my lips.

I turned my head away and said to him with a smile, “I think you should get more rest. You looked really tired last night. There’s still some time left before you have to go to work. Sleep a while longer.”


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