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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 226

He asked with his brows furrowed, “Has she asked you to leave me?”

I remained silent in response to his query. He could easily rule out that was the case through my response.

Prior to meeting Josephine in person, I once thought of keeping our relationship going on for as long as possible. I wouldn’t even mind being a nobody as long as I could be with him.

“No one gets to make the call on my behalf! Anna, I’ll repeat myself for one last time! You’re not allowed to leave me unless I’m the one who has instructed you to leave!”

Initially, I thought he would give up as soon as he found out it was an instruction from his mother. After all, he had gotten into a relationship with Emma under Josephine’s instruction. Nonetheless, things seemed to work the other way round.

“Michael, your mother has made herself clear she wants me to stay away from you! I don’t want to humiliate myself any more than I already have! Can you please allow me to leave? It’s the best for both of us!”

As much as I wanted to stay in a relationship with him, I had to leave. Never would I allow others to humiliate me when I wasn’t even the one at fault.

Unfortunately, Michael got increasingly infuriated when I repeated myself. He glared at me in the eyes and started panting in wrath.

“Anna, are you sure it’s because of my mother? Are you sure it’s not because you have always wanted to leave me?”

I was equally heartbroken and upset by the question directed at me. He seemed to have his fair share of doubts against my statements.

“It doesn’t really matter anymore! It’s about time to put an end to our messed-up relationship! I have promised your mother to leave you alone! Please don’t make me break my promise!”

No matter what Michael was up to, I was determined to leave since I had given my word to Josephine. I wouldn’t change my mind in spite of the pain I felt. Sooner or later, I would have to move on from our relationship.


In spite of being intimidated by his menacing aura, I repeated, “I have already packed my stuff! I’ll be leaving tonight!”

I could feel he had his eyes on me, but I paid no heed to him and returned to my bedroom once I made myself clear.

Halfway through the way back to the room, I brought myself to a halt and said, “Thank you so much for everything you have done for me over the past few months!”

I was afraid to turn around and express my gratitude while looking at him in the eyes as I was afraid I would change my mind at the last minute.

Although we were few feet away from one another, I could still feel his strong murderous intent. I thought he must have felt a strong urge to take me out in person.

Nonetheless, I marched my way back to the room and retrieved the suitcase I had packed. I had to ensure that was the end of our relationship. Otherwise, Josephine would deem me a shameless woman incapable of honoring her promise.

All this while, Michael glared at me in silence. I had no intention to engage in another conversation with him, but he stopped me when I was merely a step away from the entrance.

“Hold it right there!”


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