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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 228

I stood at Michael’s office for a very long time, not having the guts to open the door. Although it was just a few days of not seeing each other, we have already become strangers.

Whenever I thought of him, I felt nothing but agony.

In the end, I knocked on the door and waited for Michael to answer before going in.

He was sitting on his desk with his head down, signing on papers. He was calm, with no expression on his face.

I looked at his face, confused, at the same time, uncomfortable. Our breakup didn’t seem to affect him one bit.

Perhaps, I was completely dispensable.

I looked at him while standing still. In just a few days of not seeing each other, we seem to have grown more distant.

After moments of silence, and he raised his head. He looked surprised when he saw me but immediately regained his composure.

“Why did you come?”

He furrowed his eyebrows and spoke nonchalantly.

I endured the pain in my heart and walked towards him. I placed the check for two million in front of him, sparing no effort to look calm.

“This is the check given to me by your secretary yesterday, and I’m returning it to you now.”

I tried my best to sound calm too. However, I could feel my voice trembling. I wasn’t sure if he noticed it.

He furrowed his beautiful eyebrows and looked at the check. His eyes were filled with emotions that I couldn’t grasp. After all, I had never grasped his emotions since the beginning.

After a moment of silence, he raised his head and spoke nonchalantly, “The house at Birchwood, and this two million, is my compensation to you.”

The word “compensation” pierced my heart as there was never what I wanted. Giving me compensation would only make me even more upset.

“I don’t need your compensation. We’re just taking what we need. You have helped me a lot, so you don’t have to compensate me now.”

I took a deep breath to calm my emotions. His indifference was pulling my heartstrings. I really wanted to ask him if he had any longing for me after we broke up. I would be happy to know even if it was just a little.

He looked at me with mixed emotions. He wanted to say something, and I was waiting for him to say it.

But he didn’t say a word. He remained silent, quietly looking at me.

“Mr. Shaw, I’ll take my leave if there’s nothing else.”

I couldn’t repress my longings any longer. I wanted to leave as if I was running away.


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