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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 230

After work, I saw Ronan’s car in front of the building. Since Michael warned me before, I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. So I made a detour and left.

However, Ronan had very sharp eyes. He noticed me the moment I stepped out of the building. I didn’t even have the chance to hide myself.


When I was about to leave, I heard Ronan’s voice behind me and staggered slightly. Now I couldn’t hide even if I wanted to.

I turned towards him and answered without any expression, “Ronan, why are you here?”

“What do you think? Of course, I’m here to look for you.”

Ronan marched towards me with a smile in his eyes.

I raised my head, and I responded indifferently because Michael was angry the last time. “Are you looking for me? What is it?”

I had been avoiding Ronan recently for I didn’t want Michael to get angry again.

However, I seemed to have forgotten that I had nothing to do with Michael anymore. Hence, no matter which man I was close with, he wouldn’t care anymore.

I didn’t know why, but the thought of Michael made me upset once again.

“I miss you. Is this reason good enough? What happened to you in the past two days? You wouldn’t answer my calls, and I was worried that I did something wrong and angered you.”

Ronan frowned his delicate eyebrows and stared into my eyes. He looked worried.

“It’s nothing. I was just in a bad mood these days, and I wanted some quiet time for myself. If there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave. We’ll stay in touch.”

I was in a bad mood at that time, so I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to be left alone.

“Since you’re in a bad mood, let me take you out to relax, or you can tell me what’s bothering you. Holding it in won’t do you any good, so you will feel better after pouring it out.”

Ronan didn’t want to let me leave. I knew he was worried about me, but I didn’t feel like talking.

“No. I’m very tired from work. All I want to do now is to go home and rest.”

I didn’t want to say too much, so I turned around and was about to leave.

But, he grabbed my wrist and immediately pulled me towards his car.

“Ronan, what are you doing!” I was annoyed by his actions.

“I want to make you feel better. It hurts me to see you like this.” He stopped and looked at me condescendingly.

I was a little touched. Although Ronan seemed to fool around all the time, I could feel that he really cared for me.

With that, I didn’t refuse anymore, and I let him drag me into his car.

Ronan quickly started the car and drove at high speed. The scenery outside rushed past the windows. I could feel my heart thumping.

Why was he driving so fast? Didn’t he know that it’s dangerous? Moreover, it was a city center. What if he crashed into someone?

“Ronan! Drive slower. It’s dangerous!”

I held on tightly to my seat belt. My heart was thumping out of fear.


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