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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 232

Ronan and I got pretty hammered soon after. Knowing well that he was not in any state to drive, he hailed a cab for me to get home.

Somehow I made it back to Birchwood in one piece, which was a miracle considering the fact that I didn’t remember how I got there. Even though this wasn’t my home, I had begun to treat it like one.

After stumbling into the bedroom, I fell face down onto the bed without even changing out of my dirty clothes. It felt amazing being drunk; the pleasant sensation of floating had cast the worries and frustrations away to the back of my mind.

In my stupor, I felt someone touching my face. It was familiar and comforting which reminded me of Michael.

I was convinced that it was a dream that I had, as real as it had felt. I opened my bleary eyes with difficulty and caught sight of Michael’s silhouette in front of me

I must be dreaming, I thought to myself as a smile spread across my lips. It’s over between me and Michael. What reason would he have for being here? I think I must be dreaming of him because I miss him too much.

I had originally intended on shutting my eyes and going back to sleep, but it was such a rare occurrence that I had the chance to see Michael again. Even if it was a dream, I wanted to gaze at him for a little longer.

“Michael, I miss you…” I muttered, gazing upon the blurry face.

If it was a dream, then so be it. I would pour my heart out to him, and tell him everything that I wanted to say because it was very likely that I would never get a chance to for as long as I live.

“You miss me, Anna?” Michael whispered. Like his usual self, he spoke in a manner that suggested that he was always in control of the situation.

“I think of you every day, Michael. What happens now that I have fallen for you?” I pleaded. I was not afraid of what he might think, as I knew well even through the haze of insobriety that I was conversing with a figment of my own imagination. I just had to get the words out or it’d haunt me forever.

“Anna, say it again.” Michael looked shocked.

“Michael, I’ve fallen for you… I love you” I repeated only this time I said it with more passion and affirmation.

“If you had fallen for me, then why did you break up with me?” Michael’s voice returned to its usual casual manner, though it sounded like it contained suppressed grief.

I was saddened by his question. I ended things with him only as an attempt to keep whatever dignity I had left.

“I do not want to be left with no self-respect. Your mother has come to me. If I didn’t break up with you, nobody would ever respect me again.”

I smiled bitterly as the pain in Michael’s eyes became more apparent. If it was not for the sudden appearance of his mother, I might still be immersed in temporary and superficial happiness.

At my response, Michael’s eyes became more guarded though he did not pursue the matter.

Gazing upon his beautiful face so close to mine, I could not resist any longer. The next thing I knew, my hands were around his neck as I kissed him affectionately.

I could do whatever I want in my dream. I didn’t have to care about what he thought. All I wanted was for him to stay with me.

Michael was caught off guard by my move, though it didn’t take long for him to reciprocate.

I kissed him vigorously. Perhaps it was due to the knowledge that my actions would have no repercussions in the lucid realm, I acted without restraint. Soon, Michael had succumbed to my passions.


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