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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 237

By the time I came back to my senses, Ronan was gone.

He sneaked a kiss! Isn’t he getting more and more courageous? Have I been too nice and gentle to him recently?

I was unhappy about Ronan kissing me, but I was not as angry as I thought I would be.

Soon, he returned with a bag of beer. Still sitting by my side, he opened a bottle and handed it to me.

Instead of taking it, I looked at him and grumbled, “What did you do earlier?”

He froze for a second when he heard my question. In the next second, a cheeky expression crept onto his face, and he grinned.

“I kissed you. Didn’t you realize that?”

Glee was written all over his face, and for a moment, I had the urge to smack him.

“Ronan, have you forgotten what I said to you? How dare you kiss me? Are you asking for a good round of beating?”

That was simply outrageous. However, the more he acted that way, the more annoyed I was.

“I’ve liked you for such a long time. What’s wrong with me stealing a kiss? I didn’t do anything to cross the line anyway,” Ronan whined.

His words only made me angrier.

“According to your theory, if you were to have feelings for me for a few years, you’ll get to sleep with me?”

I could not understand what kind of logic he had. He has liked me for a while, so he gets to kiss me? Does he mean that if he likes me for a long time, he’ll get to sleep with me?

“If you want it, I’d do it gladly.”

My words were meant to be a retort, but it was as if the implication had gone over his head. In fact, he had even twisted the meaning of my words.

Furious, I glared at him. Right as I was about to say something, he interrupted me.

“Let me tell you a secret,” he muttered as he leaned closer to me with that same grin on his face.

I was a curious cat, so my interest was piqued by the mysterious way he said that. I wanted to find out what secrets Ronan could possibly have.

At my apparent interest, his grin widened. Leaning closer to my ear, he whispered, “I’m very good in bed. I can last a long time, and I’m big and long. If you’d like to have a go with me, I’ll be more than happy to serve you.”

“Ronan, what you need is a punch!”

The shameless words of Ronan made my face flush bright red. In the next second, I smacked my palm onto the back of his head. He is so shameless to say such things to me!

When will he ever be serious? We’re friends, so how can he say something like that?

Ronan was staring at me with a displeased expression, but he whined, “Anna, can’t you be gentler with me? I’m a handsome man. You can’t keep hitting me like this.”

“Whatever. You’re not allowed to say this to me anymore. I’ll smack you every time you do that.”

Actually, I was not angry with him. Instead, I felt awkward, for we were supposed to be friends and nothing more.

However, I knew that he loved teasing others, so he was only joking with me earlier.


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