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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 241

Chapter 241 Can You Stay With Me Tonight

“Where are you?”

Just as I was going to end the call, I heard Michael’s deep voice sound from the other end.

My heart trembled upon hearing his question. I stuttered out two words, about to give him an answer, “I’m at…”

“Michael, hurry over. Let’s discuss the details of our engagement.”

I was interrupted by Emma’s voice from the other side of the phone.

My heart sank. Apparently, he was with Emma now. It was obvious that they were discussing their wedding details.

That fact was like a cut to the heart. Not wanting to bother the two of them, I didn’t answer Michael’s question, hanging up the phone instead.

I hated myself for being such a fool. The two of them were going to get engaged soon, but I still couldn’t get over him. Despite knowing the fact that he was not going to be mine, I had still contacted him. I was no different from a homewrecker.

I sat by the side of the road and chuckled darkly, finding my own antics ridiculous. I had really overestimated myself. Michael had already decided to get married to Emma. Of course, he wouldn’t take me seriously.

I buried my head in my knees, feeling utterly lonely and vulnerable.

The sky slowly got dark as I remained sitting by the street. Many pedestrians couldn’t help but shoot me weird gazes as they passed by. However, I wasn’t bothered by it.

I didn’t know how long I had been squatting there. Suddenly, bright lights flashed in the direction of my eyes. Instinctively, I covered my eyes with my hands. If it was any other time, I would definitely be angry and went after the driver, but today I was not in the mood for any confrontation.

The car with the blinding headlights came to a screeching halt in front of me. The next second, my heart skipped a beat the moment I recognized the person who had just exited the car.

Michael? What is he doing here? I don’t remember telling him my whereabouts.

Michael strode over and looked at me from above. His handsome face looked grim.

“Get in the car!” he domineeringly ordered before I could say anything.

“Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be discussing your wedding details with Emma?”

I tilted my head up and stared at him, not bothering to move from where I was. My heart was feeling inexplicable pain.

“I said, get in the car!”

I remained on the floor. There was a hint of anger in Michael’s voice as he yelled at me, and his gaze was growing colder by the minute.

My brows furrowed slightly upon hearing his tone. I didn’t want anything to do with him anymore; I shouldn’t have made that call earlier.

He looked at me furiously. The next second, he strode right in front of me and pulled me up. Then, I was pushed into his car forcefully.

“What are you doing, Michael? Why are you here looking for me instead of spending time with Emma?”

Michael sped down the road, ignoring my question. I stared at him angrily with eyes that seemed to be blazing with fire.

“Aren’t you trying to make me come here? Is that not the reason you called me earlier?” Michael took a glance at me and answered coldly.

He had read my mind. All of a sudden, I was at loss for words. Feeling guilty, I hurriedly moved my gaze away. I really couldn’t hide anything from him.

“Did you call me to stop me from getting engaged with Emma?”

Michael was speeding down the road at an inhumane speed while asking that. Although he had his eyes fixed on the road, his voice was oddly calm.

“No, I didn’t. I’ve never thought of ruining your marriage.”

He must be thinking I want to ruin their engagement ceremony. Perhaps, he came all the way here to give me a warning.

“Anna, do you think you can lie to my face about things?”


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