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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 248

Chapter 248 He Despises You

“It was you, wasn’t it?” I questioned without beating around the bush.

I was so overwhelmed with anger that I would have slapped Emma in the face if she were in front of me.

How dare she do this when she knows that women value reputation the most? She’s such a vile woman!

Sure, I did have a thing with Michael some time ago, but I was never a mistress nor a homewrecker! That was totally false news!

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she denied, but the triumph in her voice stated otherwise.

“Oh, I think you do! Don’t even bother trying to pretend! You’re a vicious woman, Emma!” I howled furiously.

At that moment, I really wished I could make her pay for what she did, but I didn’t have any proof against her since I had never expected her to pull such a stunt.

“So what if it was me? You can’t do anything to me, anyway. And so what if I’m vicious? At least that’s better than being a b*tch,” she finally admitted. Her voice became cold as her attitude toward me worsened.

“Don’t you think you’re too much? You clearly didn’t think how this news would impact Michael too!”

Knowing that my words would not affect her, I had to bring the man into this conversation. He was the only one that could truly scare her.

“Anna, don’t you know the situation at all? You’re the villain here. Why would he be impacted? Any woman would be able to seduce him as you did. Did you think people will actually drag him along with you?” she sneered, totally disregarding that what she did would also disturb Michael.

Howbeit, what she said was true. I was the villain here; people would be focusing entirely on me. It seemed like she had only taken such extreme steps after thorough consideration.

“Even if it doesn’t impact him, you still used his name for something as horrible as this. It will only make him hate you even more.”

One thing I learned of Michael was that he hated people using him regardless of the reason. Even though the issue would not affect him, he definitely would not ignore it when he found out.

“Shut up, Anna! How could you say he’ll hate me when I’m his fiancée?”

Agitation replaced the triumph in her voice after hearing me say that. It must have triggered her.

“Because he doesn’t like you at all, and you know about that as well. I really don’t get why you insist on marrying someone who’s not even in love with you.”

Anyone could guess that Michael didn’t feel anything for Emma just by judging his attitude toward her. Emma was aware of that, but she still wanted to force their relationship, and that was something I could not decipher.

“I told you to shut up! Shut the hell up!” she yelled hysterically, letting me know that I had hit the bullseye. Emma simply didn’t want to accept it.

“Why should I shut up just because you tell me to do so? You know, Michael himself personally told me that he doesn’t like you one bit. In fact, he despises you!”


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