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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250 I Am The Only One Who Can Bully You

“You’re my woman. I’m the only one who can bully you.”

Sadness flickered in my eyes after hearing his statement. When will he understand that we’re not together anymore?

“Michael, we…” I trailed off, not knowing how to word it. When I was about to continue, though, Emma’s yells echoed from his side.

“Michael, what’s that supposed to mean!”

Although I could not see her face, I could tell she was furious from her tone alone.

“Emma, who do you think you are to be barging in my office like this?” he questioned without hanging up. His voice didn’t carry even an ounce of affection.

“Well, I’m only acting like this because of you. Tell me, Michael. Why did you do that?”

This time, her voice had softened up, but there were still hints of anger.

As I listened to their conversation, I grew a bit nervous. I was aware that this was between them. I should have hung up, but I was curious to hear his answer.

“What do you mean why?”

“I am your fiancée, Michael. Why did you tell the world you love Anna? Why did you want to be responsible for that issue?”

Her tone contained a tinge of grudge, as well as irritation when she mentioned my name.

“Bold of you to have the audacity to question me. Don’t think I don’t know you’re behind this, Emma. I don’t appreciate being used.”

As I had expected, he hated that Emma had taken advantage of his name. Sure, it was selfish of me to tell him that she was the culprit, but I didn’t want her to keep using him like this.

“Y-You’ve misunderstood, Michael. I have nothing to do with this,” she denied nervously. Still, even I could sense the guilt in her voice, let alone Michael.

“Don’t bother lying to me. I’m not stupid.”

“You have to believe me, Michael. I really didn’t do it! What did Anna tell you? Since she’s so keen on breaking us apart, she must have deliberately told you false things to frame me!” she lied, sounding evidently panic-stricken.

Upon hearing her including me in her lies, my wrath increased tenfold.

She really can’t give me a break, can she?

“Don’t be so self-righteous around me, Emma! If you want to be Mrs. Shaw, you better watch yourself. My patience is wearing thin!”


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