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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 269

Chapter 269 You Will Never Be A Shaw

Michael shot daggers at Emma. His dark eyes glinted with fury.

“How could you hit me for this b*tch? Michael, have you forgotten I’m your fiancée? This woman is here to ruin our wedding, yet you’re defending her! Don’t you care about my feelings?”

Emma became more and more emotional as Michael stood up for me. Pointing at my face, she yelled at him bitterly.

“As I said just now, the wedding is canceled. Don’t make me repeat myself for the third time.”

The man’s gaze grew frigid as Emma kept calling me a b*tch. I could sense his hostile vibe.

He was indeed enraged this time.

“Before I make any decision, scram!” Michael bellowed in a low, croaky voice.

His gaze on Emma was as cold as ice. The man had always been quick-tempered. Now his patience was wearing thin because of her actions.

“Michael, what are you doing? No matter what, Emma is your fiancée. How can you speak to her this way?”

Michael’s harsh attitude toward Emma put Josephine on edge, who hurried over to ease things up as she glared at him angrily. However, due to the crowded setting, she could not fully express her annoyance.

“Mom, I’ve said it just now. The wedding is canceled, so she’s no longer my fiancée.”

His brows knitted together. Though his expression softened up when he turned to look at his mother, he remained adamant about calling off the wedding. He had made a decision, and that was final.

“Michael, cut the nonsense! Our family has business collaborations with Emma’s family. How can you call off the wedding just like that? You must take the bigger picture into consideration.”

Josephine gave him a death stare. Her voice was not loud but everyone present heard her clearly.

I did not know Michael and Emma’s marriage was based solely on business interests. Suddenly, I sympathized with him.

He had always been an iron-willed man. No one could ever convince him otherwise once he had made up his mind. Yet, a man like him had to sacrifice his happiness for his family’s interests.

“Even without the collaboration with the Joneses, I can expand our business and bring the company to new heights.”

He cast Emma a disdainful glance as he spoke.

Michael was an incredibly competent man. That was why nobody doubted his capability. He could no doubt make his company flourish without the Joneses.

Looking at his resolute expression, Josephine breathed a helpless sigh. She was rendered utterly speechless. Since Emma and I were around, she could not discuss with him freely.

“Mrs. Shaw, look at how Michael treats me. You said you like me and want me to be your daughter-in-law.”

Seeing that Josephine had relented, Emma felt a pang of anxiety and clutched Josephine’s hand while looking aggrieved.

Her pitiable look could tug at anyone’s heartstrings, including Josephine’s.

“Emma, don’t worry. Michael must have said that out of anger. I’ll talk to him. He’ll come to his senses once he calms down.” She consoled Emma, patting the back of the latter’s hand with a kind smile.

“Really? He’s canceling the wedding only out of anger?” Emma asked gingerly and softly as she peeked at Michael pitifully.


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