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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 274

Michael looked at me expressionlessly while I looked at him in anxiety as I waited for his reply. “The child is half the reason.” Although his tone was composed, his answer wasn’t what I had expected. I gave him a puzzled look as I had assumed he canceled the wedding entirely because of the child.

“What’s the other half then?” I looked him in the eye, feeling nervous yet somewhat hopeful. “You!” Michael replied in an indifferent tone. Nevertheless, I was ecstatic to learn that he had married me partly because of his feelings for me.

My eyes sparkled, and my heart was overwhelmed with bliss. It was just that I didn’t know how to express it. “Michael, I—” It took me a long while to calm down. Looking at Michael’s face, I was about to say something when he leaned in and locked his lips with mine.

The moment our lips touched, it felt as if I was being electrocuted. My mind turned blank, and I forgot what I had wanted to say. As Michael’s scent filled my senses, I felt a sense of security that never existed before.

All this while, I had always been fearful of losing him. But on that day, I was certain that he would always remain by my side. Hugging him, I reciprocated his kiss. For the first time, his kiss was so gentle. It wasn’t tinged with his usual possessiveness or anger.

Instead, it was filled with all his affection for me. That night was the happiest night of my entire life. I slept exceptionally well in his arms after that. In my dreams, I saw both of us at our wedding and the birth of our child. Everything was perfect, and I was the happiest person on Earth.

When I woke up in the morning, I was still lying in Michael’s arms. The moment I adjusted myself, he opened his eyes. “Why are you up so early?” I gave him a surprised look as I didn’t expect him to be up at that hour.

“Do you think I can get any sleep while hugging you like this the entire night?” Michael’s voice was plain and didn’t sound as if he had just woken up. Looking at his arm that I had used as a pillow, I knitted my eyebrows slightly.

I trailed his gaze, and it quickly dawned upon me what the issue was. I quickly raised my head and pulled out his hand. I had used Michael’s hand as my pillow the entire night. Just when I touched him, I could see his eyebrows furrow in response.

He had maintained that position for the entire night, so it must be numb by now. “I’m sorry.” Thinking back to how blissfully I slept in his arms, I felt sorry for him. “Why?” Michael frowned, surprised by my sudden apology.

“Your arm must be numb by now. Why don’t I give it a massage?” I didn’t answer his question. The look on his face made me feel bad for using his arm as my pillow for the entire night. I slept really well and didn’t consider how uncomfortable it was for him. “It’s fine.”


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