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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 276

Sitting alone in the living room, I looked at the Doppler ultrasound from the check-up. Although I was only two months pregnant, and there was nothing to see, I was still happy. Just when I was relishing in my bliss, the doorbell rang. I furrowed my eyebrows and went to open the door.

It was Michael’s mother. The sight of her caused my heart to sink as a sense of dread began to emanate through my body. It took me a long while to regain my senses. Forcing a smile, I greeted politely, “Mrs. Shaw.” “Ms. Garcia, are you going to make me stand while I talk to you?” Josephine looked at me with an icy gaze.

The annoyance in her tone was obvious enough for me. In response, I quickly stepped aside and invited her in, “Mrs. Shaw, please come in.” Josephine Blackwood was Michael’s mother. She would be my mother-in-law if I married Michael.

Therefore, as her future daughter-in-law, I had to treat her well. Josephine frowned at me before sidestepping me to enter the living room.

Standing behind Josephine as if I was a maid, I lowered my head and asked, “Mrs. Shaw, would you like some coffee or tea?” “Plain water will do,” Josephine replied without even looking in my direction.

“I’ll go get it right away.” I hurried into the kitchen to get a glass of water and placed it in front of Josephine. “Mrs. Shaw, please have some water.” Just as I spoke, I saw Josephine staring at the medical report on the table with a frosty expression.

I was aware that she refused to accept me still. I wondered what when through her mind when she saw the report. “Do excuse me. I haven’t got the chance to tidy up as I just returned home.” I quickly collected the reports on the table and put them away.

I had never felt so nervous in front of Josephine before. Glancing at me, Josephine remarked, “Ms. Garcia, I don’t like to beat around the bush, so let me just give it to you straight. You are not worthy of Michael, and I object to your marriage.”

I had expected this and was mentally prepared, but hearing it in person still made me feel miserable. I looked at Josephine and my nose began to burn. “Mrs. Shaw, I understand that I’ve humiliated you and caused the Shaw family to lose fifty million for showing up at the wedding.

I’m really sorry about that. But Michael and I genuinely love each other. I hope you can accept me.” Michael had already decided to be with me and my child, so I hoped that Josephine would welcome me into their family and give me her blessings too.

“So you are well aware of the loss you caused to the Shaw family.” Josephine stared daggers at me, incensed by my words. “Ms. Garcia, I bet fifty million is a huge amount to you and it’s impossible for you to earn that money in this lifetime.


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