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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 281

I bet he’s thinking of something along the lines of “Are you really not going to give me another chance, Anna? We’ve been together for seven years! Can you really let go?” I might’ve actually softened up and forgiven him if he came apologizing sincerely like this shortly after our breakup, but… now that I’ve fallen in love with Michael, sweet-talking no longer has any effect on me.

I looked at him emotionlessly and said in a neutral tone, “I’ve gotten over it long ago, Justin. I don’t love you anymore, so please leave me alone from now on. Besides, you have Mabel now.” The thought of Justin having sex with my former best friend still disgusted me, and it was most likely the most disgusting thing I had experienced my entire life.

Justin’s expression changed the moment I mentioned Mabel, and he grabbed my hand again as he explained, “I’ve broken up with Mabel ever since I realized you are the one I love.

Will you please come back to me, Anna? I promise I’ll only love you for the rest of my life, and I won’t betray you ever again!” Justin broke up with Mabel? Now that’s a surprise. For some reason, I can’t help but feel like there’s more to Justin’s request for reconciliation than it seems.

“What about your child? Why did you break up with Mabel when you two have a child together? If what you said is true, then that just makes you a much more irresponsible man than I imagined. There’s no way in hell I’d ever be with someone like that!” As if anyone would believe the words of a man who breaks up with the woman he has a child with…

When I found out about their affair, Justin begged me to give them my blessings, saying that he actually loved Mabel. Did he forget what he said back then? Justin grew increasingly anxious when he realized his explanations had backfired. He desperately tried to explain himself again.

“I’m telling you the truth, Anna! I can let go of everything else just to be with you! Will you please believe me?” Having lost all of my patience from talking to him, I brushed his arm off forcefully and said, “I told you, I’m not getting back with you.

Don’t forget that Michael is my boyfriend now, and I doubt you’d be able to keep your job as manager if he sees you here.” Justin’s relentless behavior left me with no choice but to bring up Michael. Since he was working as a manager in the department store that Michael owned, I figured I would be able to scare him off by threatening him with that.

Justin’s expression became twisted the moment he heard Michael’s name, and I quickly walked away while he was distracted. However, I had only taken a few steps when Justin hugged me from behind all of a sudden.

The thought of him being so close to me disgusted me to no end, and I struggled with all of my might while shouting angrily, “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Justin? Let go of me!” Justin’s actions had truly infuriated me, and it was the first time I had hated him so much.


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