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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 294

Chapter 294 A Sense Of Disquiet

I really couldn’t understand why Michael would do such a thing.

Time ticked by, and the two of them finally exited the restaurant about a little over an hour later.

Emma looked blissful as she took Michael’s arm while he remained expressionless. I couldn’t read his mind.

The duo climbed into the car and drove off. However, they weren’t heading toward Birchwood.

Watching as his car drove further away, I sprinted after him for a short distance. Alas, a human was no match for a car.

The corners of my mouth curved into a bitter smile.

Was my happiness a mere illusion? Does he really love me?

I started making my way home forlornly. Vivid images of them together kept replaying in my mind. A burning desire to know exactly why they were meeting each other seized me.

After what seemed like hours, I halted in my tracks and rummaged out my phone to call Michael.

It rang for an eternity before his alluring and low voice drifted out from the other end of the phone. “What’s the matter? Are you not in bed yet?”

His voice was still as gentle as ever, and I couldn’t hear anything different at all. The calmer he sounded, the deeper I fell into the icy abyss.

“Where are you right now?”

Suppressing the tremor in my voice, I did my utmost best to sound calm and collected.

“I just finished dinner with a client. I’ll be home in no time. Rest earlier if you’re tired. You don’t need to wait up.”

Michael’s voice turned all the more tender, and I could even imagine a faint smile on his face.

He’s so very handsome when he smiles. It’s mesmerizing. If I hadn’t seen him with Emma tonight, I would be moved by his tenderness. Now, however, I merely feel pain.

“Okay. I’ll be hanging up, then.”

I couldn’t quite hold my emotions back, so I hurriedly hung up before tears escaped my eyes.

For a brief moment, I had the impulse to confront Michael. I wanted to hear his explanation, yet I was afraid of the repercussion.

I was hoping that he’d take the initiative to come clean with me. From the look of things now, that is just wishful thinking on my part!

When I arrived home over an hour later, Michael still wasn’t back. Despite having no inkling of where he went with Emma or what they did, I didn’t dare mull it over either.

My worst fear might turn out to be true. Emma was an exceedingly beautiful woman, and she outshone me by far.

Besides, Michael had been restraining himself because I was pregnant. I was truly afraid that he couldn’t control himself and hooked up with her.

Another thirty minutes passed before he finally came home, looking a tad tired. I could smell the stench of alcohol on him. Nonetheless, he wasn’t inebriated.

When he stepped into the house, I merely threw him a placid glance because I didn’t quite know what to say right then.

“Didn’t I tell you not to wait up?”


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