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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 300

Chapter 300 A Diamond Ring

Ronan sped on the road with his eyes trained straight ahead. From beginning to end, he said nary a word.

I felt exceedingly uneasy at his present state, and distress engulfed me. I wanted to comfort him, but I didn’t know what to say. After all, it was an indisputable fact that I was intimate with Michael, and I was even pregnant with his child right then.

“Ronan…” I called out his name softly after hesitating for an eternity.

“You don’t need to say anything. I know Emma was deliberately disparaging you, and you’re not the kind of woman who sleeps around. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have fallen for you.”

Ronan seemed to have anticipated my words, for he had already made his stance clear without waiting for me to explain myself.

Lowering my head, I heaved a helpless sigh. Guilt showed in my eyes as I gazed at him, yet I just didn’t know what to say.

“I know you truly love Michael, but I still hope that you’ll give me a chance. If you’re not happy with him and wish to leave him, please consider me first, okay?”

Stopping the car, Ronan turned and regarded me seriously.

I could see the solemnity in his eyes, but it was precisely that which had me feeling all the more guilty. He has sacrificed a lot for me, but all I gave him in return was hurt.

I hung my head since I wasn’t quite certain how to answer him.

If I concur, then I’ll be giving him hope, and he won’t be as sad as he is right now. However, I also know all too well that I’ll only be holding him back if I do. I’ve got no idea what will become of me if I break up with Michael, nor do I have any idea whether I’ll fall in love with him then. But as of now, the answer is no.

“Please promise me that, Anna!”

Upon seeing my prolonged silence, Ronan’s voice became tinged with a hint of urgency, and his gaze turned pleading. At the sight of him then, I really couldn’t bring myself to turn him down.

After a long silence, I finally nodded. “Okay, I promise you that.”

While this is an empty promise, I already owe him too much, so I’m willing to give him if it makes him feel better.

Of course, I didn’t think that I would break up with Michael because he was the only man I had ever loved irrevocably in this lifetime. I felt that I wouldn’t leave him for the rest of my days.

Having said that, if we truly broke up one day, I would fulfill my promise and make it up to Ronan.

When Ronan saw that I had agreed, he was thrilled and clutched my shoulders with both hands. Delight shone in his eyes as he gazed at me.

It’s just an empty promise, yet he’s over the moon. But looking back at the past, I’ve been rejecting him from the very beginning and never gave him any hope. This is the only time, so he’ll naturally be ecstatic.

“It’s rather late, so please drive me home. I’m a bit tired.”

Not wanting to continue lingering on that subject with him, I straightened and stared right ahead as I said that placidly.

Immersed in his exhilaration then, Ronan didn’t notice anything amiss about me. “Sure! I’ll drive you back right away!” he agreed readily.

After saying that, he started the car and drove toward Birchwood.

The car came to a stop at the entrance of the community. In the past, he would insist on seeing me to the door, but he probably knew that Michael was also staying here at present, so he didn’t offer to accompany me upstairs.

Anyway, that was a good thing because the longer we spent in each other’s presence, the more awkward I felt.


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