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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Two Families Meet

Michael, however, had no clue about my worries. After informing me of his plan, he hung up the phone. Dread grew in my heart.

I then picked up the phone and dialed my mother’s number. After a few rings, the call got disconnected, and it made me frown. I tried again, but it didn’t work. At that instant, as I wasn’t sure what my mother’s intentions were at the moment, I was getting worried.

Noon arrived, and Michael picked me up on time. On the other hand, I had put on the flower print dress sent by Michael’s secretary. Though it was simple, it was a designer dress.

I was agitated when I got into Michael’s car. Since morning, I’d been trying to call my mother, but there was no answer. I really couldn’t wrap my head around her plan.

Soon after, we arrived at a five-star hotel owned by Michael. When we first met, Michael had even deliberately booked a room there to make love with me.

“Your parents should have arrived. I have ordered the manager to take them to a private room. You don’t have to worry about anything,” Michael reassured me in a flat tone and grabbed my hand as he noticed my anxiousness.

I nodded and returned his gaze as I knew he was trying to comfort me. In any case, I wasn’t worried about Michael not doing a good job of welcoming my parents. Instead, I was scared that my parents would ask for outrageously greedy conditions.

Michael and I arrived at the luxurious private room on the thirty-third floor. When we got into the room, I saw both of my parents there acting like rubes.

They were walking around the room, admiring the surroundings and complimenting the quality.

Though my parents were indeed from the countryside, and I had no intention to hide that from Michael or pretend to be someone sophisticated, I was irritated to see the way they acted.

As my parents’ full attention was on the room, they didn’t notice us entering. Hence, I called out to them with a frown of irritation. “Dad, Mom.”

The two regained their senses after hearing my voice. When they saw Michael and me, smiles immediately filled their faces.

“You’re here!”

My mother, Maria, was the first who walked toward me, but her gaze was on Michael. After a quick study, her smile grew wider. It was clear as day that she was satisfied with Michael.

After all, Michael was a near-perfect and impeccable man. I couldn’t find any flaw in him. It would be more likely for Michael to find me unsatisfactory rather than the other way around.

“Mr. and Mrs. Garcia, please have a seat. Do forgive me if the welcoming service is unsatisfactory. My mother will be arriving soon,” Michael greeted them with a faint smile.

Michael knew my parents well, but he was also aware that I craved for my parents’ love. As such, he treated my parents as courteous as he could.

After sitting down, my parents’ gazes continued to be glued to the private room’s surroundings. They were amazed by it. This was merely a private room. Yet, its size was as big as a house.

Seeing how excited my mother was, my heart sank further. “Mom, I called you today. Why didn’t you pick up?”

I got angry when I thought of the unanswered phone calls. I was sure that she deliberately declined my calls.

“What call? Did you call me? I have no idea that you did.”


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