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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 307

Chapter 307 Twenty Million

Two hundred thousand was the most I could tolerate. Even though Michael was not short of money and would give more money if my mother let him take the initiative to propose the amount, I was adamant not to compromise because of my parents’ attitude. My pricelessness to Michael was irrelevant at that point as well.

“Two hundred thousand? That’s ridiculous! How can you dismiss your father and me with that amount of money when we have raised you for so many years? You’re such an ungrateful wretch!” My mother looked at me with rage as she spoke. If I were not pregnant, she would have hit me already.

Ungrateful wretch? Again? Despite not showing my genuine feeling outwardly, my heart could not help but feel sorrowful whenever my mother used that term to call me.

In her eyes, I was nothing but an ungrateful and heartless wretch. However, it was dumbfounding that they had overlooked my sacrifices for the family throughout the years.

“I don’t care what you say about me. My decision is final. Whether you want that betrothal gift of two hundred thousand doesn’t bother me as I will not compromise this time regardless. If worse comes to worst, I’ll stop myself from returning to this house ever again! No big deal!” Since my mother would not yield to a meek approach, I had to demonstrate my dominance over her to keep her in check in such circumstances.

“You’ve gone too far for saying such things to Mom, Anna. Are you going to break ties with us because you’re about to marry into a wealthy family? Do you think we’re an embarrassment to you? You must be afraid that we’ll ask for money from you in the future.” Steven limped toward me at that moment, staring at me smugly. The mature aura he emanated during my last visit was no more.

“You can think whatever you want about me!” I had long been accustomed to the scene where each of my family members singled me out. Hence, I glared back at Steven without hesitance while uttering those words before leaving.

Given that I had made my stance clear to them, there was no point in remaining there any longer.

Yes, they were my closest family, but they were also the people who hurt me ad nauseam. No ordinary person would treat what I had experienced like it was nothing. For that reason, there was a strong desire in me to never return to that house forever.

Soon after leaving my parents’ house, tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably once again.

Every time such a problem occurred, I felt like I was about to go insane like a madman.

As I walked along the streets with tears flowing down my eyes, the pedestrians passing by me could not help but cast their glances toward me. Nevertheless, I did not mind that at all. Why should I care about their gazes when I can’t even deal with my family?

A while later, my phone rang. The ringtone sounded for quite some time before I returned to my senses.

As soon as I realized the caller was Michael, I wiped away my tears promptly and cleared my throat before answering the call.

“Michael…” I had more to say initially, but I felt like I was about to burst into tears and could not finish my sentence.

“Where are you? Why aren’t you at home?” I was not sure whether Michael had noticed the oddity in my voice, for his tone had become more anxious.

“I dropped by my mom’s place just now. I left the place not too long ago.” Sniffing my nose, I tried to keep my voice tranquil as best as I could since I did not want Michael to worry about me again.

“Remain at your current spot. I’ll be there right away,” Michael commanded me without delay after hearing my answer. I knew he was still worried about me.

Although there was an element of vexation in his tone, I could feel his utmost concern toward me. A mixture of warmth and melancholy was brewing in my heart at the moment.


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