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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 310

Chapter 310 Gaining The Approval Of The Shaw Family

“I’m here, no matter what happens.” Detecting that I was worried, Michael held my hand tightly and looked at me tenderly.

I felt a lot more at ease after feeling the temperature coming from his palm and took a deep breath to calm down. I would have to meet Michael’s family sooner or later, anyway.

Michael led me through the long corridor while holding my hand, and we finally arrived at the living room.

An older man around seventy years old sat in the living room on a couch. Although his hair was gray, his agile and deep eyes seemed capable of reading a person’s thoughts.

His eyes went straight to me when Michael and I entered the living room. I felt inexplicably pressured once I noticed his gaze.

Rooted to the ground, I didn’t know what to do. I knew the identity of this old man as soon as I saw him even though Michael had not introduced him yet.

“Hello, Grandpa.” I finally remembered to greet the old man after hesitating and standing still for quite a while.

I worried that he would be difficult to get along with judging by his looks because his eyes made me a little uneasy, but soon after, I knew I was overthinking things.

“So this is my granddaughter-in-law. Come here and let me take a look at you.”

Stunned after hearing what he said, I wondered if there was something wrong with my hearing because he looked strict, yet his words felt kind.

I turned to Michael and saw him gesturing at me to go over to the old man with a smile.

Today was the first time I came to the Shaw residence. I looked away from Michael and walked toward his grandpa. At the same time, I saw Josephine watching me with a displeased look, and I knew that she was still angry with me.

I stopped and hesitated when I was close to the old man as I didn’t know what to do next.

“Your name is Anna Garcia, right?” Michael’s grandpa, Andy, took the lead and started a conversation. I guess he couldn’t help but show some kindness when he saw me standing there nervously.

“Yes, Grandpa.” I lowered my head and answered softly.

“Anna means one full of grace. It’s a good name.” The old man looked at me with a smile before taking my hand and letting me sit beside him.

Having him treating me so kindly, I was surprised and felt inexplicably happy. I could feel that he wasn’t ostracizing me and that he liked me quite a fair bit. I felt so much lighter because of this. After all, I didn’t want Michael’s family to hate me.

“Anna looks decent, Michael. You should treat her well and never hurt her after marriage, you hear me?” The old man patted my hand, looking pleased before turning to Michael and speaking with a hint of authority in his tone.

“I know. I’ll cherish her all my life.”

Michael was in a good mood when he saw that his grandpa was pleased with me. However, for some reason, what he said made me uncomfortable. Am I not thinking straight recently?

“Dad, you can’t possibly be satisfied with her as a granddaughter-in-law, right?” Josephine spoke while glancing at me coldly before turning to Andy.

“Anna is so much better than Emma. She looks pleasant and pleasing to the eyes; I like her.” The old man made no secret of his appreciation toward me.


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