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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 319

Chapter 319 You Have Pissed Me Off Completely

“Emma, I’ve long since told you that my patience is limited. Yet, you challenged my bottom line again and again. This time, you’ve pissed me off completely!”

Michael forcefully shook off Emma’s hand. The look in his eyes as he regarded her was cold and indifferent. He never had any feelings for her, and the only thing he felt toward her was repugnance.

Emma could sense his wrath from his tone, and her gaze turned even more frantic. I could clearly see that she was trembling.

“Michael, it’s really not what you think! I only did such a thing because I love you too much. I know I’m wrong, so please forgive me this once, okay? I promise that this will never again happen in the future!”

Emma’s expression froze for a moment as she stared at the hand Michael shook off. Although Michael was downright callous in his words, she continued begging him endlessly.

She’s always high and mighty, yet she’s forever this lowly before him. Perhaps her love for him is real. However, the fact that she would do such a despicable thing just to have him proves that she’s a selfish woman through and through.

The incident whereby she ordered those few men to sully me earlier was still vivid in my mind.

If Michael hadn’t shown up in time, I would’ve ended up being debased by those men. Therefore, no one would believe in her love when she could do such a reprehensible thing despite being a woman herself.

I walked over to Michael and eyed Emma coldly. Regardless of whether her love for him is real, my hatred of her had already gone bone-deep when she instructed those few men to force themselves on me. I’ll never forgive her for using such a deplorable method on me when she’s a woman herself!

“So, you’re regretting it now, Emma? Then, why did you not hesitate in the slightest when you ordered those men to violate me just now?”

I pinned my frosty gaze on her, the words out of my mouth undoubtedly intensifying her culpability before Michael.

When Michael heard the word “violate,” his gaze turned chilly, and his eyes glinted dangerously.

Of course, Emma knew that my remark would only infuriate Michael and put the nail in the coffin of her obtaining Michael’s forgiveness.

No sooner had my words rang out than she shrieked, “Stop spouting nonsense here, Anna! It was those men who wanted to violate you! It had nothing to do with me! Why are you shoving the blame on me?”

Emma shot daggers as though she had suffered a great injustice. If I hadn’t heard and seen it with my own eyes, I would even doubt whether I was blaming her wrongly.

However, the scene whereby she threatened me with a knife and even filmed those few men helping themselves to me with her phone remained distinctively engraved in my mind.

“Do you think there’s any use even if you were to deny it now? The men are still here, so why don’t we ask them who the mastermind was?”

Snorting, I threw her a disdainful look. Does she really think denial will still work now? There are many of them here, and they’re all aware of Michael’s influence now. Hence, they wouldn’t dare lie.

Sure enough, Emma’s expression changed after hearing that. She went silent and glared at me with hatred etched on her face. Right then, she was definitely seized by the urge to kill me.

“Do you really have to be so ruthless, Anna?”


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