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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 323

Chapter 323 Have You Do So Willingly

Noticing that Michael seemed a tad angry, I knew that he didn’t want me to speak about that anymore.

He has never blamed me, and the guilt within me is entirely my problem.

I lowered my head without saying anything further. Nevertheless, I still felt uneasy. Recalling everything that had happened recently, I was troubled and felt as though I really was a jinx. A lot of things happened to him ever since he got acquainted with me.


At long last, I still couldn’t resist opening my mouth to speak. But before I had even finished speaking, I sensed a warm sensation on my lips. Without me realizing it, Michael had already captured my lips.

My eyes widened in astonishment, and my heart pounded wildly. At that moment, I had all but forgotten what I wanted to say.

Michael’s handsome face was mere inches away from me, and I felt as though I was being drawn into his jet-black eyes as I stared into them.

Michael only wanted to shut me up, so the kiss wasn’t the slightest bit passionate. Still, my heart hammered wildly.

I’ve been with him for such a long time, yet I still can’t help feeling nervous every time he draws close to me. People say that one will get accustomed as time passes and grow sick of the other person, but the feeling he gives me is different every single time. It makes me addicted.

A long time passed before Michael finally let me go. He opened his eyes and looked at me. “Listen here carefully, Anna. You only need to stay by my side obediently. No matter what happens, let me resolve it.”

His words sounded like an order, so domineering that it left no room for demurral. However, it was precisely his unquestionable tone that made me fall even deeper for him.

I’d be lying if I were to claim that I’m not moved. In all my years, no one has ever sacrificed so much for me or shielded me behind him no matter what happens.

“Thank you, Michael.”

My nose stung, and my eyes grew burned. Yet, I curved my lips into a smile as I gazed at him.

“In the future, you’re not allowed to call me by my name anymore!”

I thought Michael would hug me and cuddle me upon hearing that as he did in the past. Unexpectedly, he didn’t do that. He eyed me in disgruntlement instead.

“Why? How am I going to address you if not by name?”

Truly, his remark bewildered me.

I’ve been calling him by name all along, and he never corrected me. What’s wrong with him today that he’s suddenly dissatisfied with my address of him? Sure enough, men’s thoughts are unfathomable.

“Of course, you’re to call me ‘Hubby.’ Why would you still be calling me by name when you’re now my wife?”

Michael smirked devilishly. While he spoke, he deliberately drew close to me, so much so that I could even sense the beguiling aura he exuded.

Upon hearing that, my face instantly flushed bright red. I regarded him in embarrassment, for I had never called anyone “Hubby” in the twenty over years of my life.

“Our wedding is still half-done, so I’m not your wife yet.”


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