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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 34

With a smug smile on her face, Mabel sneered, ”I want to let you know that Justin is mine now! I am the one he loves!”

She was obviously saying that to rub salt in my wound. If this was before, my heart would wrench in pain at her words. Yet, I was now unperturbed — those spiteful words could no longer hurt me.

“That has nothing to do with me. Oh, by the way, I need to thank you for showing me his true colors. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve married this jerk and lived a miserable life. Thank you for stopping me from ruining my own future.”

I feigned a grateful expression, the mockery in my eyes barely veiled.

Indeed, it broke my heart when Justin cheated on me with Mabel. Yet, looking on the bright side, it made me realize that the man was not someone worth marrying.

Although it was a hard decision to make, I never regretted leaving him. I knew I had made the right decision.

Mabel, on the other hand, could easily tell that I was dissing her. Hence, her long face twisted further in rage.

Standing beside her, Justin frowned slightly at my words. He stared at me disappointingly as if I was the one who had betrayed him.

Gazing at him, I curled my lips into a sarcastic smile. This man sure is a scumbag! He is the one who cheated on me. Not only that, he even has an illegitimate child! Now he’s looking at me like I’m the one who betrayed him? How ridiculous!

“Anna, actually, I’ve heard of your dad’s condition. We’ve been together for seven years, after all. So, I’m actually here today to visit him.”

Justin sounded gentle and sincere, yet his words made me feel sick to my stomach.

Before I could say anything, Natalie beat me to it. She snarled, “You’re here to visit Mr. Garcia? I think his condition might become worse if he sees you. Justin Xenakis, you’ve betrayed Anna. How dare you show up in front of her dad? You’re really shameless, just like that b*tch over there. The two of you are truly a match made in heaven.”

Pulling a long face, Natalie then let out a sneer. She had seen me going through a hard time during the first few days of my break-up. Hence, she vented her anger on Justin by tearing him down.

Hearing her snide remarks, Justin scowled but said nothing. Usually, in the office, his subordinates would shower him with flatters and cozy him up. Hence, he was unhappy when Natalie suddenly derided him.

Nevertheless, he couldn’t argue with her in public, for most people would take the woman’s side. Besides, no one would side a cheater anyway.

Seeing a crowd started gathering, I was reluctant to make myself the butt of people’s jokes.

I made my way to him and uttered coldly, “I appreciate your kindness, but I think my mom and dad would not want to see you. You better leave now. Also, we’re done, so don’t show up in front of me again!”

From the moment I saw him on the bed with Mabel, I had given up on him. We were over since that day.

Justin furrowed his brow while fixing his eyes on me. Hearing my words, a smidge of worry appeared on his face. “Anna, I’m simply concerned about you.”

“I don’t need your concern. Justin Xenakis, from now on, I hope you and your woman stay away from me. It disgusts me to see your faces,” I spat out.

Disregarding the angry look on Justin’s face, I left the scene with Natalie.


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