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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 350

Love from My Dominant Boss Chapter 350

Josephine had no care for my words at all as she glared at me with fury in her eyes. At that moment, I could sense that Josephine was there to cause trouble.

At the same time, I was unfamiliar with how married life was supposed to be, not to mention seeing my in-laws. Thus, I was at a loss for words when Josephine said that.

“Mom, I’m sorry. I had no idea.” Lowering my head, I apologized sincerely.

She felt that I was at fault as I did not know my responsibilities beforehand. Thus, there was nothing I could say when Josephine scolded me.

“Mom, just come at me if you’re in a bad mood. There’s no need to pick on her. We didn’t visit because I didn’t tell her about it.”

While I was still trying to think of a way to apologize, Michael’s voice emerged from the stairs. He had already changed his clothes and such.

Josephine and I turned toward Michael’s direction when we heard his voice. She was shocked when she saw him there.


“Why didn’t you go to the office today?” asked Josephine with a frown.

“I just got married yesterday. Do you think it’s right for me to go back to work so soon?” Michael replied calmly as he walked toward us.

“There’s so much to deal with over at the office. As the CEO, are you leaving work just because you got married?” questioned Josephine.

At first, she was a little taken aback, and she glanced at me before speaking.

I knew that even though Josephine seemed as though she was mad at Michael, she was just upset with me. She must be thinking that I’m the one who asked Michael not to go to the office.

“I’m going out of the country with Anna today for our honeymoon. We’ll be back in a month. Mom, take good care of yourself in the meantime. I’ve already made arrangements for the things at work. You don’t have to worry at all.”

By the time he finished his sentence, Michael had already arrived beside me. He held me in his arms and looked at me dotingly.

Michael gave such a perfect explanation that even Josephine was rendered speechless.

“Michael, I’ve barely agreed to let a woman like her marry into the Shaw family, yet you’re bringing her on a honeymoon? Are you trying to anger me?”

Josephine looked at Michael begrudgingly as she pointed her finger at me.

At the sight of that, I recalled how Michael had been going against his mother for my sake ever since we got together. Because of that, I knew that Josephine’s grudge against me had only gotten worse over time.

“Mom, you said it yourself that you’ve agreed to let me marry into the Shaw family. Now that I’m Michael’s wife, can’t the two of us go on a trip as husband and wife? You’ve already accepted our marriage. You’re not going to step in on such a small matter now, are you?” I stated before Michael had the chance to say anything.

I knew that Josephine was targeting me, and there was only so much I could tolerate. Considering that she was Michael’s mother, I needed to respect her. However, I did nothing wrong, and I was all out of patience.

Meanwhile, Josephine was stunned by my words as I had always behaved meekly in front of her. It took her a moment before she snapped back to her senses. Realizing what I had said, her eyes blazed with anger as she complained, “Anna, what is that attitude? Are you talking back to me?”

At that moment, Josephine directed her finger at me and glowered.


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