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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 352

Chapter 352 Check The Gender Of The Baby

Josephine came to the mansion again that day. When I saw her, an uneasy feeling filled my chest. The last time we met was more than a month ago. It’s unlikely that she will try settling the score for the previous incident now, right?

As I thought of this, worry grew in me.

“You’re here, Mom. Would you like something to drink?” I greeted politely while walking up to her.

“That won’t be necessary. I’m not here for coffee.” Get new chapters update on novelheart.com

Josephine merely shot me a glare. Though she was not as hostile as before, her expression was still unfriendly.

“Is there anything I can help you with, Mom? By the way, Michael’s in the office right now. Why don’t you give him a call?”

Wow, the change in Mom’s attitude is rather drastic. Every time she was here, she would teach me a lesson, yet she’s rather polite today.

“I’m here for you, not Michael.” Josephine then turned to face me. Though her gaze was unfriendly, her tone was better than before.

Did she change because I retorted her last time? If so, it’s a blessing in disguise.

“Why are you here today, Mom?”

I couldn’t wrap my head around the reason for her visit. But it seemed that she wasn’t here to lecture me.

“You’re pregnant for more than four months now, correct?” Josephine asked in a flat tone without the usual hostility.

I was startled when I heard her question. When I regained my senses, I couldn’t help but smile inwardly. It seems that Mom changed her attitude toward me because of the baby.

“Yes, almost five months now,” I replied with a faint smile. Get new chapters update on novelheart.com

At the same time, my eyes were filled with delight, and my hands were caressing my belly.

“Five months means the baby is fully formed. I want you to go to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow.” Josephine spoke in the same flat voice, but her words thrilled me.

“Okay. I’ll go for a check-up tomorrow.” I couldn’t hide my feelings as I spoke.

Though Josephine was still expressionless, the fact that she came to visit my child made me happy.

“Oh, do give this to the doctor tomorrow as well.”

Josephine then took out a thick envelope from her bag and placed it on the coffee table.

Even though I did not check the envelope’s contents, I was sure that it contained money, and judging by the thickness, I estimated that there were at least twenty thousand inside. As such, I was confused with Josephine’s intention.


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