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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 355

Love from My Dominant Boss Chapter 355

I was upset upon hearing Josephine’s words. She has assumed that my child will be a boy, but what if the baby turns out to be a girl instead? Will Mom be disappointed?

“We’ll talk about that again some other time. There’s still time before the baby is born.” Michael glanced at Josephine before changing the subject.

“Mom, the baby might be a girl too.” Suddenly, I lifted my head to look at Josephine after a moment of silence. My voice was softer than usual.

“That won’t happen. Your baby is going to be a boy, and he’ll become the heir of the Shaw family in the future,” Josephine responded swiftly. Her eyes were glimmering with excitement.

For some reason, I had a bad feeling about that upon hearing what Josephine said. My heart sank for a little, but I tried my best to look calm.

“How can you be so sure?” I asked carefully while looking into Josephine’s eyes. How is she so confident with her answer? We haven’t even found out about the baby’s gender yet. Get new chapters update on novelheart.com

“Didn’t you go for your check-up? One of the staff in the hospital called me and told me that your baby is a boy.” Josephine did not try to hide the truth from me. However, I got infuriated upon hearing that.

I tried to suppress the anger in my heart. Meanwhile, Andy and Lincoln were listening to our conversation happily. It seemed like they already knew about it.

I was not surprised to know that they wanted my child to be a boy. After all, most families in upper-class society wanted a male heir to take over everything.

I turned to look at Michael. He was looking at me with an impassive expression. The man was not surprised or angry with Josephine’s response, so I thought he had known about it too.

Suddenly, he flashed a smile at me. Seeing that, I was even more certain that my assumption was right.

No wonder Michael brought me to the hospital. He just wanted to know the gender of our baby.

I felt aggrieved and furious after knowing that Michael had tried to hide the truth from me. However, I did not show it on my face in front of everyone. I lowered my head and continued to eat, but anger began to boil in my chest.

I felt like a fool who had been kept in the dark. Everyone is eager to know the gender of my baby, and that’s why Michael brought me to the hospital. I was in the dark about everything this whole time.

We finished our dinner under the suffocating atmosphere. Then, Michael and I left soon after that.

I remained silent when we were on the way back as I was still angry at Michael for hiding things from me.

“I noticed that there’s a change in my mom’s attitude today. Perhaps you guys can become closer in the future.” A faint smile appeared on Michael’s face while he was driving.


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