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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 37

Conrad stalked around the desk and came to a stop right in front of me, staring at my bosom with lusty eyes.

Since my physique was voluptuous in nature, my figure was further boosted due to me wearing a tight-fitting working suit. This was probably the reason why Conrad was constantly ogling at me.

Fury surged within me and I had the urge to slap him for his lecherous gaze on me. However, because he was my superior, I had no choice but to bear with it.

“Mr. Skeete, I’m grateful for your offer but I would much rather depend on my own capabilities.”

I spoke matter-of-factly, with neither humility nor arrogance. On the surface, I did not say anything that offended Conrad but I had expressed my meaning clearly.

“It’s a good thing for young people to have ambitions but when better choices are available, you must learn to grasp it. Don’t you agree?

Conrad stretched out his big, chubby hand and grasped my shoulder whilst wearing a disgusting smile on his face.

A wave of nausea hit me. Immediately, I pushed him away and stepped as far away as I could. At this point, I was utterly enraged.

“Please have some self-respect, Mr. Skeete. If other staffs come to know about this, it wouldn’t be good for your reputation.”

My tone was icy as I stared at Conrad with disdain.

I had thought that with these words, Conrad would understand that I do not want his attention and back off. Unfortunately, I seemed to have overestimated him. As soon as he heard my piece, Conrad’s expression changed and he looked at me with fury in his eyes.

“Anna, don’t be stupid. It is your honor that I am interested in you. How dare you reject me!”

“If there is nothing else, I’ll be taking my leave then.”

Even though I was angry, I knew that if I stayed in his office any longer, nothing good would come out of this. As such, the wisest choice was for me to get out of this situation quickly.

Alas, Conrad was not going to let me off so easily even though I had rejected his advances. I had barely walked a couple of steps when he hugged me from behind by force. “Anna, don’t you be foolish. You should thank the heavens that I am choosing you to be my woman. You have no right to refuse me!”

Being my superior and all, I did not want to offend him because of this. After all, it would not be beneficial to me if I were to offend him.

“I’m not letting you go. Spend a night with me.”

At that, Conrad moved to face me and he once again held me in a tight embrace before moving his pudgy lips closer to mine.

Feeling repulsed, I slapped him hard. My gosh! Conrad is really a scumbag. I had already politely told him off but he kept forcing me. How is it possible that the higher-ups would hire such an animal to work in Joyful Success? Not to mention as a department head at that?

I smacked Conrad in the face so forcefully that a loud slapping sound could be heard resounding in the office. After I realized what I had done, I was stunned. I just hit my boss! Well d*mn… I’m doomed now…

Sure enough, Conrad immediately glared at me with fury in his eyes.

“Anna, how dare you slap me?”

Conrad was glaring daggers at me as he pointed a finger and roared.


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