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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 373

Chapter 373 Let Us Look For A Quiet Place

“Not even a minute.”

Michael did not feel awkward at all, and he spoke normally like his usual self.

I was rendered speechless as I warily looked in the direction of the driver, my face blushed with embarrassment. There was someone in the car and Michael had the audacity to utter those words. Is he not ashamed?

The driver managed to disguise his facial expression well. He said nothing and continued driving the car. When we passed by a junction, he swerved the car into a secluded spot far from the main road before stopping the car.

Without uttering a single word, the driver left the car and walked far away.

Looking at how the driver acted with familiarity, I was starting to guess the frequency in which Michael pulled off the same stunt.

“Now that there’s no one here, we can start.”

Michael smirked and started inching closer toward me. I didn’t notice that he had already taken off his coat.

“Before we start, let me ask you a question.”

I crossed my hands against my chest to prevent him from coming closer. My eyes were fixated on his eyes.

“What question?”

Michael was displeased by the interruption. However, to ensure that he got what he wanted, he tried to hold off his temper and eventually entertained my question.

“Do you often do this with other girls in the car?”

I knew that the question would definitely spoil the mood. But looking at how things transpired just now, I couldn’t help but harbor such thoughts.

Michael’s expression fell and he glanced at me unhappily.

“This is the question that you wanted to ask?”

Michael’s facial expression and voice turned glacial, obviously displeased by my question.

“Yes, this is the question. Answer me quickly.”

As he was silent and did not answer my question, I asked him again.

Actually, I did not care if Michael had other women before me. After all, he was a man and had his sexual urges. However, looking at how the driver behaved like he was used to Michael’s request, I couldn’t help but feel troubled.

“Do you really want to know? Are you not afraid that the truth will make you feel even worse?”

Michael did not answer my question directly. Instead, he looked me in the eyes and asked me in return.

My heart sank and my expression fell. It appeared that he was giving a hint that the answer would not be pleasant.

I started to regret asking the question. Although I had hooked up with other men before him, the fact that he slept with other women before still made me feel disappointed.

“You don’t have to answer the question. I can understand.”

I lowered my head and said in a disappointing voice.

“You should know that the answer to the question will make you unhappy. Why do you find the need to ask me? Isn’t the displeasure self-inflicted?”


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