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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 375

Chapter 375 The Girlfriend Of My Brother

I started to get worked up. Surprisingly, my mother was not infuriated and sounded unusually patient. Even so, I had foreseen something similar would blurt out from her mouth before that.

“How much do you think I need to top up?” I cut to the chase.

Even though I could not resist disliking Steven’s girlfriend, it was pointless to say anything as the wedding date had already been fixed. Thus, I made up my mind to give him a hand. After all, I presumed they would not have to spend a lot since the wedding would be held back home. I believe it would be more than enough if I topped up with the money in my account.

“I think around seven hundred thousand,” my mother answered from the other side of the line.

The moment I heard the figure, I thought I was hearing things!

Dumbstruck, I raised my voice uncontrollably. “Seven hundred thousand? Mom, are you pulling my leg? What kind of luxurious wedding are you planning to hold for Steven? How is it possible for a simple wedding to cost around seven hundred thousand?”

By right, two hundred thousand was already more than enough to cover the expenses for a wedding in the village. It never came to my mind that my mother would request such a large sum.

“It’s not only for the expenses of the wedding. We need the money to buy a new car too,” she replied sheepishly. It seemed she felt she had requested a bit too much too.

“Money to buy a car? If the wedding costs one hundred thousand, do you need six hundred thousand just to buy a new car?” I questioned her right away.

My frown creased into a scowl as a surge of fury started to well up from within me. Whenever my mother requested me to support them financially, it was always a large sum. No doubt, I should be filial to her; yet, her request was way beyond my ability.

Oh my! How am I going to get her seven hundred thousand within such a short span of time? Should I seek help from Michael again? Does it make sense for him to bear all the expenses for my family after marrying me?

“Steven’s girlfriend likes a car that costs more than five hundred thousand, but how can we afford to buy it? Anyway, we’re already grateful as she doesn’t insist Steven on buying a house. But we fear that she’ll break up with him if we can’t buy her a car!” my mother whined.

“Pfft! A car that costs more than five hundred thousand? Who does she think she is? How dare she requests to have such a costly car! How about her family? Are they giving her anything as dowry?” I snorted.

Temper flaring, I could barely wait to meet Steven’s girlfriend. My goodness! What type of woman is she? How could she have the audacity to request a car that costs more than five hundred thousand?

“Anna, I understand that we’re requesting a bit too much this round. But if she breaks up with Steven just because of a money issue, don’t you think it is not worth it?” Sensing my reluctance, my mother was obviously trying to talk me into helping them.

“I don’t have so much money. Where can I obtain seven hundred thousand? Mom, why are you putting me in a tight spot?” I could not help but let out a deep sigh.

Deep down, I knew she hoped I could help obtain money from Michael. However, I did not wish to request money from him again for the sake of my family.

“Anna, can’t you help your brother again this round? After all, the wedding is one of the most important moments in his life. Do you have the heart to see him break up with her girlfriend?” my mother started to persuade me.

Needless to say, I also wished that Steven would have an ideal girlfriend and later embark on his new journey via marriage. As his sister, I would surely lend him a hand if he was short of money for his wedding. But how could I help him for such an absurd reason?

“Mom, since there’s still one month to go before the wedding, let’s talk about this again a few days later. If there’s time, I wish to meet Steven’s girlfriend first. They’re already in a relationship for quite a few months, but I haven’t even met her before!” I said wittingly.


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