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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 388

Chapter 388 He Is Back

I was still frustrated by Ronan’s answer because he didn’t have concrete evidence. If I didn’t admit it, he would never find out the truth for sure.

I was at a loss for words as my mind kept thinking about what I should do. A few minutes later, I raised my head and looked at him. “I have a favor to ask of you. Since you’ve already found out, please keep this a secret. Don’t let anyone from the Shaw family know.”

I was afraid Ronan would reveal the truth to the Shaw family, and Steven would be imprisoned. Although I hated everyone in my family, this was the last time I would sacrifice myself for them. Besides, I hoped Steven could live a normal life.

Ronan widened his eyes and stared at me. There was shock and worry in his eyes. “What? Keep it a secret? Anna, do you know how stupid you are right now? Steven attacked Josephine on purpose! He deserves to be imprisoned for his action! The Shaw family won’t send you off to jail, but it’ll make your life in the family a living hell!”

“I know. Besides, you said so yourself. They won’t send me to jail. However, if they find out it’s Steven, they won’t hesitate to punish him! That’s why I took the blame. It’s for the best.”

I had already considered everything Ronan said before I made up my mind. The main reason I took the blame was because I didn’t want Steven to be imprisoned.

The moment he heard my words, Ronan went stiff. His eyes were full of anger.

“You may be able to protect Steven this time. But what about next time? What if he kills someone? Will you take the blame for him then too?”

It was the first time Ronan had raised his voice at me.

“No. This is the last time. After this, I’ll cut ties with that family. Ronan, please. Pretend you know nothing about this. Can you do that?” I begged while looking into his eyes.

If he tells the Shaw family the truth, Steven will be imprisoned!

“No. I must tell Michael! He needs to know you’re innocent! The Shaw family shouldn’t be lashing everything on you!” he shouted as he took out his phone to dial Michael’s number.

My pleads were ignored.

I panicked and snatched his phone away.

“Ronan, please. I’m begging you. Please don’t tell the Shaw family about this. I don’t need you to lie. You only need to pretend not to know anything,” I pleaded while looking into his eyes again.

He stared at me intently for a long time. There was disappointment written all over his face.

“Are they really worth it? If the Shaws don’t know the truth, they’ll give you a hard time.”

“I’ve already made my decision. No matter what you say, I won’t change my mind. The only thing I want right now is your sworn secrecy,” I replied in a determined tone and looked calmly at him.

Ronan took a long time to consider it. Finally, he spoke in a disappointed tone as he looked at me with pain in his eyes. “Fine. I promise. But I still hope that you can really think it through.”

I lowered my head. I knew he was only giving me a kind reminder, so I didn’t repeat what was on my mind. I’ve already decided, so there’s no way I’ll easily change it.


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