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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 39

I called out to stop the taxi driver, but he paid me no mind. Flooring the gas pedal, he sped off in a flash.

Seeing the taxi speeding away, I furiously whirled around and glowered at Justin. Argh! I’d finally gotten a taxi at this hour, yet it left because of him! Is he trying to make me walk home in the middle of the night?

“What the hell is your problem, Justin Xenakis? Why did you stop me from getting into the taxi?” I demanded in a near shout.

I glared at him, my gaze blazing with fire.

“I’ll drive you home, Anna. We can talk during the drive.”

Surprisingly, Justin wasn’t pissed off by my outburst. He reached out and took my hand, his gaze tender as he looked at me.

“No, thanks. I don’t need you to drive me home, I would much rather walk. Besides, I’ve already made it clear that there’s nothing to be said between us!” I bellowed, still enraged that he stopped me from getting into the taxi earlier.

“When did you become so stubborn, Anna? You used to be very gentle in the past.”

As my attitude became progressively worse, Justin frowned slightly as he regarded me, his voice colored with a hint of displeasure.

“As you said, it was in the past. Besides, I’m only gentle with my man. You’re no longer that anymore, so why should I still be gentle with you? What right do you have to demand that?” I blurted in a single breath.

At that moment, I found him truly ridiculous. What a f*cking joke! What right does he have to demand gentleness from me when we already broke up?

The instance my words fell, Justin’s expression darkened, and the look in his eyes turned increasingly irate. In truth, I could clearly sense that he was suppressing his rage.

“I know you must hate me right now, so it’s okay. Go ahead if you feel better saying all those things. We’ll talk when you’ve calmed down,” he murmured placidly after a long silence, still keeping his anger in check.

Argh! Why the hell is he still pestering me at this time? We have nothing to do with each other anymore! I’ve set him free to be with Mabel, so why is he still hounding me?

“I don’t hate you, nor do I have anything to say to you. I’m going home.”

Not wanting to have further contact with him, I made to leave by circumventing him. However, he seemed determined to keep me there, for he grabbed my arm from behind just after I had taken two steps forward.

“Anna Garcia, why can’t you talk to me nicely? We were once lovers, after all. Are you planning to talk to me in such an indifferent manner for the rest of our lives?”

Justin’s temper flared when he saw how I continued being cold and hostile no matter how nicely he talked to me. In the past, I was always the one who compromised in everything. Now, however, he was no longer my boyfriend or fiancé, so there was no reason I should consider his feelings.

“As you said, that was once upon a time. We’re strangers now, so please don’t appear before me anymore, okay? Right now, you’re the person I loathe to see most!”

Irritated, I frowned deeply. By then, I was already on the verge of cursing him out. My God, when did he become so annoying?

When I said that, I clearly saw the change in his expression. His face darkened considerably. After all, any man would likely be fuming at my attitude, much less Justin, whom I had always pandered to.


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