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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 390

Chapter 390 The Child Is Born

“Bear with it a little more. We’re reaching the hospital soon!” Michael said hastily as he glanced at me.

Two days ago, he was still treating me indifferently. However, all that vanished.

I didn’t reply because the pain was overwhelming.

Although I had expected the pain of having a baby, I wasn’t prepared for the intensity. No one should go through this agony.

I grabbed the fabric of my clothes tightly as I tried to distract myself from the pain, but it only made things worse.

Michael suddenly slowed down. It turned out an accident at the traffic light was obstructing the flow.

“D*mn it!” he cursed and continued to honk.

He was panicking. It was the first time he saw me in that much pain. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as I moaned.

“What’s going on there?” I asked.

I was already terrified by childbirth, but now that his car had stopped, my anxiety grew stronger.

“It’s nothing. We’ll reach the hospital soon!” Seeing me in such agony broke his heart.

After that, he stepped on the accelerator and sped off.

In the upcoming traffic lights, Michael completely ignored the red light. He continued driving without stopping. Within minutes, we reached the hospital. It felt like an eternity to me.

The contractions were driving me crazy.

On our way to the hospital, Michael had called Ronan and asked him to prepare for my delivery. The latter agreed immediately.

The moment Michael got me out of the car, he put me down on the bed and I was wheeled into the delivery suite. A few nurses stopped him from entering.

“I want to go in!” he said unhappily to the nurses while furrowing his brows.

“Are you sure?” one nurse asked.

“Of course!” he said and walked toward me before the nurse could say anything else.

I was happy that he wanted to be there for me during my hardest time, but at the same time, I didn’t want him to see me in a mess.

Michael held my hand as he stood beside my hospital bed. Although he said nothing, I could feel his heartache and anxiety.

A male doctor entered the room. Michael’s face darkened instantly when he saw the man.

“Get out! I want a female doctor!” he half-shouted at the doctor before the latter even got to my bed.


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