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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 578

Chapter 578 The Paternity Test Results

Even though giving their blood was a quick process, the results of the test would only be known three days later. Thus, all we could do now was to wait for the results at home.

Nevertheless, Ronan assured us that he would inform us the moment the results were out. Right when Michael and I came to the main entrance and planned to leave right away, Leanne called out to him, “Michael.”

Leanne’s face was visibly ashen as she looked at him with sorrow in her eyes. Stopping in his tracks to turn around, Michael plainly asked, ”What else do you want?”

After hearing his response, Leanne gave me a look before continuing, “Michael, I have a question for you. If Melvin is proven to be your child, do you still plan to not acknowledge him? All this while, you never had the intention letting us return to your side, isn’t it?”

Staring into Leanne’s eyes, Michael fell silent for a while before replying in a serious tone, “If he is truly my son, I’ll take responsibility for both of you. However, if it is proven otherwise, I hope that you will stay away from me and never appear in my life again.”

Michael’s tone was extremely grave, while his eyes were entirely devoid of emotion.

Upon hearing his words, tears began to streak down Leanne’s cheeks as the sadness in her eyes intensified.

“Fine, if Melvin is proven not to be your son, I’ll leave with him. However, I can tell you with all certainty that he is definitely your son, for I have never slept with any other man!”

After letting out an emotional rant, Leanne turned around and stormed off.

Watching her leaving silhouette, Michael furrowed his brows as if he was deep in thought.

I walked up to him from behind and asked in an earnest tone, “Once it’s proven that the child isn’t yours, will you show her some mercy?”

After regaining his senses, Michael turned to face me and replied in a grim tone, “No! You and our son are the only ones that can make my heart waver.”

I knew how much our relationship meant to him all this while. Therefore, my heart warmed after hearing him make such a declaration.

“All we can do now is wait. Once the results are out three days later, the truth will be laid bare. By then, I believe Leanne will give up on her own accord.”

Even though both of us knew that the child isn’t his, the paternity test still felt unsettling.

Now that I was also a mother, I instinctively sympathized with Melvin.

If his birth father didn’t turn out to be Michael, he would then have no idea who it was, which would put him in an extremely pitiful situation.

Inside Michael’s car, I was initially tempted to ask about what happened on the night of Leanne’s twenty-second birthday.

However, I decided against it in the end because it was pointless to dredge up the past.

Three days later, we received a call from Ronan informing us that the result of the paternity test was out.

By the time we arrived at the hospital, Leanne was already there with her son.

Chapter 578 1

Chapter 578 2

Chapter 578 3


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